Here's a copy of the letter that the SA Human Right's Commission sent to Bongani Masuku informing him that they have found him guilty of Hate Speech. Alana Pugh-Jones from the SA Jewish Board of Deputies makes an important point:
"This really is a victory for all South Africans, not just the Jewish community to whom the hate speech was directed, as it shows that racism, prejudice and hate will not be tolerated in any form in the new South Africa."
Mr Bongani Masuku
International Relations Secretary
Email: [email protected]
Our Ref: GP/2009/0362/UN
03 December 2009
Dear Sir
The South African Human Rights Commission (“SAHRC”) is one of the state institutions supporting constitutional democracy, created in terms of Chapter 9 of the Constitution of the RSA Act 108 of 1996. In terms of its mandate the SAHRC must promote respect for human rights and a culture of human rights.
The SAHRC hereby advises that a Finding has now been made in this matter, in terms of which the SAHRC finds that the statements made by yourself on 5 March 2009 and certain comments made by you during or about February 2009 on the internet amounts to hate speech that is prohibited in terms of Section 16(2) of the Constitution of the RSA Act 108 of 1996 and in terms of Section 10 of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act No. 4 of 2000.
Please find attached hereto a copy of the said Finding for your perusal.
In order to settle this matter amicably the SAHRC hereby requests that you tender an apology to the complainant, the South African Jewish Board of Deputies within 14 days hereof but no later than 23 December 2009 failing which this matter will be referred to the relevant Equality Court for final adjudication without further notice to you.
We trust that this matter will be settled amicably and await your response.
Yours faithfully
Ms. U Nyar
Legal Officer
You can download the SAHRC ruling against Bongani Masuku here: Download SAKS FINDINGS_
Previously at IAS