I’ve been away for a while but there is no scarcity of content to start again with some updates. First in line is the stinky pencil belonging to Jonathan Shapiro (aka Zapiro).
Close your eyes, and imagine if you will, an alternate universe where the Berlin wall was built by Communists to prevent the flood of Westerners from illegally entering their territory in order to enjoy the prosperity that Western governments were failing to deliver. Try to imagine the Soviets building the wall in order to defend their citizens from Westerners who were trying to cross into their territory in order to kill and maim. Now look at the cartoon.
Does it work for you? No? Not very clever is it?
The Berlin wall was built by East Germany to prevent East Germans from escaping East Germany. Israel has not built any walls to try and prevent Israelis from escaping Israel. Israelis don’t want to escape Israel the way Palestinians want to escape Hamas.
Ultimately, any powerful imagery, no matter how fraudulent can and will be used against Israel in the court of public opinion.
By the way, Goldstone's report concerns the war which took place in Gaza and there is no Israeli wall around Gaza.
Considering the misery, death and destruction caused by the Berlin wall, many anti-Israeli activists will use the wall as a timely image to validate the Palestinian claims.
Only problem is… Guess who was a big fan of the Berlin wall and spent a great deal of time in East Germany praising the leadership of German Democratic republic.
Take a look:
Posted by: Shaun | November 16, 2009 at 09:43
The arch-communist Jeremy Cronin reckons those unfortunate souls caught in East Berlin in 1961,when they woke up to find a barrier in their way ,loved communism and would have stayed in the East anyway as communism was a wonderful ism that looked after everyone equally.He then goes on to criticise America,s apartheid wall between itself and Mexico,without giving the facts,about 15-20 million Mexicans in the US who live in a free democratic society ,as if Stalinism/Communism was the greatest social marvel the world has ever seen ,ya well no fine .
Posted by: the Hebrew prophet | November 16, 2009 at 11:37
Zapiro,s lastest attempt at irony (Berlin recall)is so blatantly crude ,so when will Zapiro attempt some more irony by cartooning Major,jihadist,Hasan or the latest suicide bommbing in Peshawar ,or maybe he doesn,t have the stomach for it ?
Posted by: the Hebrew prophet | November 16, 2009 at 11:43
a nuclear bomb set off by jihadists could go off in New York, London or Tel Aviv, Zapiro would just draw a cartoon vilifying....Israel.
Posted by: Lawrence | November 17, 2009 at 11:38
Perhaps the most brilliant irony is the comparison with Reagan.
5 minutes research into the Reagan speech being referenced, and the surrounding intellectual and social milieu (in particular the comments and influences from leftists such as Zapiro at the time) will reveal the Emperor's Clothes, not to mention the craven post-fact claim of moral rectitude and fortitude in the face of Evil.
Posted by: Religious Fundamentalist 1 | November 18, 2009 at 15:45