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« Holocaust Survivor Don Krausz Responds to SA Medical Journal | Main | Durban 2 Protest Photos »

April 21, 2009


Castor Troye

Excellent article Caylee.

I commend all the Jewish groups and governments that actively boycotted this farce from the start.

I don't think that we should commend the western nations for walking out during the speech. As you put it, the damage is done, they were there in the first place. A 1st grader could have predicted what mahmud would say. Unfortunately, the mere fact that the UN and western nations gave this bigot a platform means that his views have been advertised across the world with tacit condonation by the UN.

Weeks from now, the walk out by some pseudo-sympathetic governments during the speech will be forgotten by the mass viewers and only the resonating and increasingly digestible allegations of this evil man will remain in the average man's thoughts.


I think that the walk-out was much more dramatic and attention-grabbing than empty seats would have been. I agree they shouldn't have been there in the first place, but that image is going to stick with people much longer than a press release stating reasons for not attending.

Well done to those countries that walked out! And congrats to whoever managed to smuggle in the clown wigs and noses.


I agree with Dee, the terrorist was going to say his words regardless. Seeing the leaders leave will no doubt have more impact than having the camera pan over empty seats.


Good for you Caylee. Stand strong.


Great coverage...well done Caylee


Cant quite see what the posters all say...anyone help?

mike cato

It is high time that the UN be made to reappear
as 1. a parking lot 2. a homeless shelter 3. a luxury hotel 4. a condo developement


"How can it be, we must ask, that a UN conference dedicated to fighting racism could invite as a key note speaker a Holocaust denier - on Holocaust memorial day?"

I think it entirey appropriate and symbolic, even though the symbolism is unintentional. The UN is a a bastion of hypocrisy, anti-Semitism and is essentially fascist in its make-up and outlook, hence it is entirely appropriate for the UN to be honest about what it is and have a Holocaust denier and Hitler-wanna-be addressing a UN Jew-hate conference on Holocaust Memorial day. This is the most telling symbolism of what the UN is all about.

Gill Katz

Deepest thank you to all of you who protested, and congratulations on the manner in which you did.
We can all hold our heads up high.


Well done to all the brave students willing to give of their own time to stand up for the rest of us.


Disband 'United Nations'..lets have a name...and organisation in direct contrast to this now foul body of certain Nations...Disunited Nations is more appropiate and let it be known that it is 'EAST VERSUS WEST'..DO NOT BE SILENT DO NOT BE AFRAID DO NOT ALLOW EVIL TO GAIN ANOTHER STEP IN THE FANATIC ISLAMIC PLAN

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