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« Smoking Socks Award: Neutral Humanist slams Israel supporters | Main | Letter to the bloggers: Whither the single state solution? »

March 23, 2009



It is a complete disgrace. The ANC has effectively wipe out this country's entire reserve of moral capital.

See here the SACP positive response:

The joke of course is that these are the same people who only a few months ago when Israel was figting a war against Hamas were screaming and shouting about human rights.

Human rights to these people are only an issue when it is their friends who are being defeated.

The Blacklisted Dictator

Of course this might be perceived as a big chutzpah, but I am trying to open up a discussion about whether Supernatural can be given some new zest. I hope that my comments are not viewed in a negative light as my goal is not to criticize . I am just asking whether anyone has any new ideas which might help to promote more interesting debates.
I hope that you can see this in a positive light. At the end of the day, a blog like Supernatural becomes a collaborative venture. And that is a sign of strength. Not weakness.

The Blacklisted Dictator

Mike / Steve,

The truth is that Tibet doesn't have a very good soccer team. So... The SA Govt didn't want to invite The Dalai as they might have embarrassed him if the subject cropped up during tea breaks. In actual fact, The SA Govt were showing great sensitivity towards all Tibetans at a time when their nation is unable to produce a decent striker or goalkeeper.
Of course, some might argue that Bafana is not really a crowning glory but one must remember that a fortune has been forked out on Brazilian managers. The Tibetan manager is a poor monk and is not in the same league as a Brazilian, so once again The Dalai would have felt out of his depth and a bit second rate.


I actually think it entirely appropriate that the Dalai Lama was denied entry, really it is highly symbolic of SA's opposition to human rights and support for tyranny. If I were the Dalai Lama, I would take it as a compliment that the tyrannical jihad supporting regime of SA did not give me a visa. Of course we are very welcoming of numerous jihadists from the Middle-East including Iran, but that's just the point.

The ANC's foreign policy is beyond parody, really you simply cannot make this stuff up.

The Blacklisted Dictator


The Cape Messiah speaks again,

Today I speak to those of you who are still listening, about something that is not quite the opposite to human wrongs. I speak to you about human rights.

These "rights", which are attached to the human, are as crucial as his heart, kidneys, legs or soul. As crucial as his arms, nose, tongue, liver and eyes. And, by the way, when I use the word "his", please understand that I am not misogynistic as it equally applies to "her".

If a human tries to walk on the beach without human rights, is she not naked existentially in the eyes of our Lord?

On the beach where I walked before I knew that I was the son of G-d, signs were placed forbidding non-whites to walk. And I knew that this was wrong because it negated human rights. And how could I be truly free when my fellow black countrymen were treated as foreigners in their own land?

And when I saw how The Israelites abused The Hamasites, I recognized that the very same human rights were being violated. Although not identical to apartheid, much was similar. And verily, I created a delegation of human rights to send to The Unpromised Land to set the wrongs to right.

On my return, many Pharisees living in Johannesburg questioned what I was doing. They saw no merit in my public speeches and writings. They did not understand what I was on about. And metaphorically I was crucified on the pages of The SAJR.

But I say unto The Jews of Johannesburg.... "What is right is right. And what is wrong is wrong. And that there will be no peace in The Promised and Unpromised Lands until The Hamasites have their human rights."

Here endeth my sermon on human rights.


Since BD has brought up the issue of guess blogging here and on the previous thread (but continuing it here), I have to say Posner I don't really see any need for it. Plus I don't think Mike and Steve have gotten many requests for guest blogging if any, but I'm just guessing. The SA Jewish scene is so small anyhow, you have to take that into account, and nothing stopping you from starting your own blog Posner. Why don't you? But if you did it would be best to expand it to cover international Diaspora Jewish issues and anything else, since a solely SA Jewish political humour/satire blog is way too narrow in focus.

The reason I say there is no need for guess blogging, example - say a South African Jewish academic writes an article relating to SA Jewry, anti-Semitism in SA or some such in some overseas newspaper or academic journal, there would be no need to have it 'guess blogged', it just needs to get a mention in its own thread with the relevant link. This kind of thing has been done before. Plus when there are events of note relating to Jews in SA, like the 'Palestinian Solidarity' rally in Joburg last year, well reporting of that by others who were there (a lady Katz and somebody else), was written up on this blog.

Gregory Philips

"If we are not to be seen enhancing the freedom of the Palestinians, then what is the point. These human rights are not a thing we can care about when it involves betraying our comrades in China." (ANC)

The Blacklisted Dictator

"The Cape Messiah speaks....

Today I speak to South African Jews and Buddhists about The Dalai Lama. Since many Jews in Cape Town are also Buddhists, it is unnecessary to form separate groups. It would be best if you stand together in solidarity whilst I speak.

Of course, it is extremely fashionable on Muizenberg Beach to quote The Dalai Lama. However, I am not going to go down this road as I have left his various publications at sea level and I am unable to remember precisely what The Dalai Lama says about spiritual development.

But I do want to speak about our government's refusal to allow The Dalai Lama to set foot on our shores. I believe that this is a grievous sin and makes it a bit harder for my Delegation of Human Rights to be proudly South African. In the circumstances, I might even abbreviate the acronym from SAHRD to HRD. Of course, it is also time saving. Also The HRD has a more universal quality to it and gives the impression that we might be based in New York or London instead of in Cape Town.

I would love to take The HRD on an all expenses paid trip to Tibet and, as a result, I am currently fund raising. Lhasa is a fascinating destination and I could give speeches about it on my return assuming that I am able to get a visa for Tibet and I am not arrested there by the authorities. Moreover, the Chinese Ambassador should be made aware that if he refuses to participate in a debate at Wits, I will ensure that senior members of the South African judiciary actually join me on the panel.

Please understand that The HRD has universal horizons. It can see further north than Gaza and Hebron. Of course, it does not need to see south as human rights are not, at the moment, a big issue in Antarctica.

To conclude.... The HRD and The Dalai Lama are like brothers and I am daily pained by the human rights violations in Tibet. And verily, I will speak out.

Here endeth my sermon on The Dalai Lama.


Remember most mebers of the SAHRD are also members of the SACP and the
SACp released a statement saying they 'The SACP fully appreciates and
accepts the decision by the South African government not to grant a visa
for the Dali Lama visit at this time. We stand by our government on this

They further demonize the Dalai Lama accusing him of having launched a
'putsch putsch for cession of Tibet from China' accusing the Dalai Lama of
'tied to the interests of imperialism and its aggression, especially
toward developing countries'.

Also the Tibetans are not Palestinians and are further regarded by the
SAHRD and it's supporters as not as important- some people are more equal
than others.


You forgot to add that the SACP General Secretary, Blade Nzimande, has been widely tipped to be our next Foreign Minister.

The Blacklisted Dictator

Dear Jane Duncan,

Mazaltov! You have actually made it on Al-jazeerah.....
"Jane Duncan, executive director for the Freedom of Expression Institute of South Africa, said the move violated freedom of expression because "the South African public is deprived of the opportunity of actually interacting with Dalai Lama in the conference"."

It is very strange but Al-Jazeerah, for some reason or another, seems to be the only news agency that has quoted you! Perhaps they got a scoop?

However, The Gorillamovemnt congratulates you for speaking out in such an unambiguous manner. You are 100% correct. We are being "deprived of the opportunity to interact" with The Dalai Lama!

If you have the time, you should also explain your "interacting" argument to Michael Trapido as he is always extremely confused when important issues relating to freedom of expression crop up. I am not for one moment suggesting that he is the dunce in the freedom of expression class but he is not getting straight "A's"!

But, just for the record, The Gorillamovement is extremely concerned that you might have fallen out with The South African Communist Party since they view The Dalai Lama as a Western imperialist puppet.


The Blacklisted Dictator

Dear Jane Duncan,

I think that you would agree (oh yes!) that SA's boycotting of The Dalai Lama is symptomatic of her appalling voting recored at The United Nations. And yes, I know that The SCFXI (So Called Freedom of Expression Institute stays awake at night when it reflects on the fact that SA always sides with the most appalling dictators!

Since the peace conference is being postponed in the name of "peace" ("1984" + 25 yrs ??), do you think that the world, in order to placate George Orwell, should also now boycott 2010 in the name of freedom of expression?
The controversy surrounding Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama's attendance of the South African Peace Conference has prompted organisers to postpone the Friday event.

"Given that the purpose of the conference is peace ... the convenors have decided, in the spirit of peace, to postpone the South African Peace Conference to ensure it is held under conducive conditions," Irvin Khoza, one of the conference's committee members, told a media briefing in Johannesburg on Tuesday.

The Dalai Lama was expected to address the conference, whose aim was to discuss ways of using football to fight racism and xenophobia ahead of the 2010 Soccer World Cup.

blacklisted / gorillamovement.

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