The SA Jewish Board of Deputies have announced an open meeting for the Jewish community to discuss the current climate for Jews in South Africa.
On the agenda will be:
- Hajaig's antisemitism
- COSATU's demonstrations
- Calls for Israeli boycotts and sanctions
- The rise of antisemitism globally and in SA
- Diverse Jewish community responses
I encourage all readers to attend.
It is scheduled for Tuesday 17 March at 17:30 and will take place at the Beyachad centre. RSVP with Shirly Beagle at 011 645 2583 or email her on [email protected]
Here are a few of my thoughts prior to the Beyachad discussion...
(1) Post election, many within the Zuma govt will view Zionism and Zionists as "evil garbage".
(2) The "evil garbage" must be thrown away or in Masuku's words "forced out".
(3) The SAJBD's love affair with The ANC might, as a result, be coming to an end.
(4) If SA boycotts Israel, it will probably come post 2010 when the global economic meltdown starts to have a devastating impact on SA.
(5) SA Jewry will have to then make a choice... Sign Ronno Einstein's "Not in My Name" or leave SA.
(6) It is crucial for SA Jewry to understand just how quickly things can change in SA.
(7) The fine "distinction" between anti-zionism and anti-semitism no longer exists. (Gary Selikow was 100% correct to inform you that they are the same.)
(8) SAHRD/ SASHRIP etc are now irrelevant. Good for a laugh, but politically in the desert / on the beach.
(9) Ronno Einstein and His Professor will be checking whether you have signed "Not in My Name" and driving round with the Cosatu gestapo to ship you away.
(10) Don't panic!
Posted by: The Blacklisted Dictator | March 08, 2009 at 20:05