A regular reader of this blog, Ruth Bennett, has sent us an email asking if we would publish a letter she has written in defense of a single-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While we strongly disagree with this view, we think that it is not something that can just be dismissed out of hand, particularly when it comes from someone who claims to be affiliated with the mainstream in the South African Jewish community. We need to engage with Ruth’s concerns.
And so in the spirit of open debate that we have been trying to foster, and as a continuation of our crossing swords debates we have decided to post her letter together with my reply. I am sure this will extract an emotional response from other readers. We call on them not to shy away from expressing their views but to try and be respectful. Let’s see if we can play the ball and not the woman here.
Exploring the one-state solution
“Everyday Jews, Muslims and Christians mourn the loss of another innocent life in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. South Africa has been held up as an example to the Middle East of how to attain democracy peacefully. What is strange about the use of the South African model is that some pivotal aspects of the nature of change in this country are completely ignored. The most important of which is that upon the establishment of the new South Africa, the country did not fragment like the Balkans states. One nation, one vote, many cultures and people define this country. Yet, a two-state solution is still touted as the only means of resolving the conflict in the Middle East.
I have long believed that the establishment of a one state in which Judaism, Islam and Christianity are all equally recognized is the only real solution. With three major world religions laying claim to the land, surely it is more sensible to establish one state?
Advocates of the one-state solution have been accused of calling for the destruction of the State of Israel. Yet, they forget that the one-state solution calls as much for the destruction of the state of Palestine as it does Israel.
If it were so easy to establish two states co-existing peacefully, then surely this would have been created a long time ago? As long as the two-state solution is seen as the only means of resolution, there will always be questions about:
- the boundaries of the Palestinian state: pre-1948 or 1967 borders?
- The settlements in the West Bank
- Control of Jerusalem
These are the issues that prevent any meaningful dialogue and negotiations. As long as these questions remain, there will never be peace in Israel and her people will continue to live in fear.
Why do we fear a single state encompassing Israel and Palestine? Are we trying to protect the “Jewish” nature of Israel? I find this hard to believe when one considers that the vast majority of Jews in Israel are secular. Most of the immigrants, especially from the former Soviet Union are not even considered Jewish by Orthodox standards. Whose Jewish state is this?
For far too long, there has been a blind acceptance worldwide that two states will solve the problem. It won’t, and the terror from both sides will continue.
Before I am labelled a ‘self-hating Jew’, ‘anti-Semite’ and other names so favoured by many readers of this blog, I would like to point out that I am an observant, Orthodox Jew. I am proud of my Jewish identity and heritage. As a descendant of a Holocaust survivor, I feel that I must speak out. It is my Jewish responsibility.
I trust that we will be able to have an intelligent, decent discussion about the option of a unitary state.”
Why I oppose a single–state solution
Ruth Bennett’s letter in support of a one-state solution fails to take into account many important aspects of Jewish history and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Firstly, it must be pointed out that the majority of Palestinians and Israelis support a 2 state solution. The peace polls over the years have consistently shown this (see here). Surely imposing a solution that both peoples oppose is not only anti-democratic but is also impractical. An agreement that does not have the support of both parties will never be successfully implemented.
Secondly, a one-state solution denies both the Jewish and Palestinian people the right to national self determination. The fact that both parties are denied such a right does not make this denial more legitimate. When applying a human rights approach to the conflict, which I support, there will have to be some limitations of rights. But the key is to find a solution that reduces the infringements to a minimum. Both people need to make difficult compromises as part of a 2 state solution. Both need to give up their claim to sovereignty over the entire land of Israel. But surely some sovereignty for each party is better than nothing for both.
Thirdly, given the bloody history of Jewish-Arab relations in a unitary state and the extent of the current animosity, a one-state solution is completely impractical. Ruth does not specify the legal framework for the one state solution. But under any alternative, Jews would become a minority in the land of Israel. Without control of the army or police-force how would they ensure their security? The state of minority Christian communities in the region gives us some insight into what the most likely fate would be for a Jewish minority in the land of Israel. Lebanon provides a bloody historical example of the failure of bi-nationalism in the Middle East. The terror inflicted on Palestinian Christians particularly in Hamas controlled Gaza on a daily basis is surely not something any Jew in their right mind would wish to accept.
And the hatred towards Jews is so much worse. Historically, look at the massacre of the centuries old Jewish community of Hebron in the 1920’s by Palestinian forces. More recently, look at the horrific acts of destruction that have been carried out on Jewish religious sites under Palestinian control. When Israel withdrew from Gaza, Palestinians gleefully desecrated the synagogues left behind. There is a serious risk and without the power of a Jewish force to keep them at bay these same elements would destroy much more Jewish property throughout Israel.
Fourthly, Israel has over the last 6 decades become an important vessel for Jewish identity both in the state and in the Diaspora. While Ruth is right that the majority of Israelis are secular, they still have a very strong Jewish national identity. Judaism is not only a religion but also a people-hood. Being secular does not take away from a person’s sense of belonging to the Jewish people. Secular Israelis just express their Jewish identity in a different way. For them being Jewish is going to the army to defend the Jewish state or supporting the Israeli soccer team. For many Jews in the Diaspora, Israel is a source of tremendous pride and an important way for them to connect to the Jewish people. The success of the birthright program is one example. Even for those Jewish critics of Israel, the existence of the Jewish state is one of the only things that keep them involved in Jewish affairs, albeit in a negative sense. Dissolving the state would destroy this link to Jewish indentify for millions of people. This is certainly something that someone, who claims to be interested in the survival of the Jewish people, could not support.
It is tempting for many South Africans to see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the prism of their own experience. While of course there are important lessons that can be learned from the South African experience, importing our solution wholesale is extremely naïve and dangerous. We need to examine the issues that exist in that region and try to address them. The fact that we are still in the process of working out a 2 state solution does not mean that it is by definition defunct. No-one said it will be easy. Issues like borders and Jerusalem are difficult but they can, with some comprise, be solved. They are not the stumbling blocks to peace. Trust and the capacity to implement agreements are the real problems. A one-state solution would solve none of them.
Previously at IAS
After what the Jews have been through do those who call for the end of Israel (the euphemistically called 'One State solution' ala Rwanda really think the proudest Jews in the world- the Israeli Jews- will lay themselves open to the whims of the Arabs who have showed them so much hate and tried to destroy them, and live or die on Arab whims.
The whole point of Israel is so we didn't have to lie at the feet of those who hate us, begging and praying for mercy, after so many years of persecution because we had no land of our own.
and others who call for Israel's replacement by a 'unitary Palestine' know full well that this would lead to a second Holocaust of Israel's five million Jews.
How well did the 'unitary state ' work in Lebanon where hundreds of thousands of Christian Lebanese were massacred by the PLO and Syrians and went from being a majority in 1975 to a minority today? How well did the Animist and Christian Nilotic Blacks in Darfur and Southern Sudan fare in Sudan where millions have been massacred, or the Kurds in Iraq where 800 000 were butchered by Saddam Hussein?We all know how minorities fare in Arab countries and what makes anyone think the Jews in your suggested 'unitary Palestine' would fare any better, given the amount of hate in Palestinian society for Israel's Jews.
Why out of a massive landmass under Arab control , and a number of Arab states (today they number 22) it is regarded as such an injustice that a number of Arabs should be a minority in a Jewish State, where they enjoy full civil and political rights.
Jewish statelessness had led to the slaughter of 6 million Jews during the holocaust.
Bennet and her ilk falsely refers to the nation-state as an anachronism, conveniently ignoring currents events around the world and recent history.
Those insulated academics who refer to the nation-state as an anachronism are ignoring the message of recent history, which has seen the birth (or rebirth) of a plethora of nation-sates, from the ruins of enforced multi-national artificial entities : Hence in the last 18 years we have seen the independence of nation-states including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Eritrea and East Timor.
The meaning of Israel is clear. The Jew has experienced too much death, and a portion of the Jewish people decided that they would die quietly no more (especially after Hitler's Holocaust). So it is: and no argument, no clever political talk, no logic and no parading of right and wrong can change this fact.The Jews returned to Israel because it was their ancient land. From 1810 onwards, Jews in the Land of Israel have been murdered by Arabs. The pious Jews of Safed, who would raise no hand in their defense, were robbed and murdered and burned out again and again by Arabs - as where the Jews in Jerusalem and Tiberias. Bedouin Arabs passed through Land of Israel at will-and robbed and killed Jews for profit. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Arab feudal lords in the Land of Israel organized pogroms precisely as the Tsar had organized pogroms.
In 1920 Jews where massacred by Arabs in Jerusalem, in 1921 in Jaffa and in 1929 in Hebron. Thousands of Jews where murdered in 1936 to 1939 in the Nazi inspired Arab Revolt. Since 1948 Arabs have launched wars against Israel to try to drive Jews into the sea and since Arafat launched the latest war in 2000, after rejecting a peace deal, thousands of Jewish men women and children have died in Israel by bomb, bullet and knife. Jews will never again be put into a position where they can be subjected to another Holocaust (particularly in the ancient Jewish homeland).
We know that a 'one state solution' would lead to Rwanda style massacres of Jews- i.e a second holocaust.
I condemmn with total contempt malicious assertion that as a nation-state Israel is an anachronism and an embarrasment towards "progressive"' diapora Jews.
People like Judt canot expect a whole country to dissapear and it's people subjugated, exiled or massacred just to spare them embarassment in the social circles in which they move.
And why should Israel be the first nation-state to be dismantled to suit the multi-cultural utopian fantatsies of leftwing idologues like Judt. Why shouldn't Judt's 'binational' experiment be tried elswhere like India and Pakistan, Irana nd Iraq and Germany and France.
Indeed one could ask if these leftwing ideologue fanatics also wish to force the 15 former member states of the Soviet Union back together, or Yugoslavia, and why they did not oppose the indepedence of East Timor.
He points out that the dissapearance of Israel and the subjugation of her Jews to Arab rule would lead to slaughter.
Alan Dershowita makes the point: "He quotes as making this powerful point:
'If the day were ever to come when the Jews of Israel lost the power to defend themselves and had to submit to the rule of their neighbours, the outcome would not be "pluralism" but slaughter...One must hate Israel very much indeeed to prefer such an outcome to the reality of the liberal democracy that exists in Israel today"
Steve and Mike, tell me you have published the most extreme position one can get on the conflict.
Tell me would you ever publish an article by a Kahanist calling for the expulsion of all Arabs from Greater Israel?
I am not suggesting that myself but juist wondering if you are guilty of double standards in your willingness to accomodate the extreme left.
Posted by: Gary | March 24, 2009 at 22:27
A few more points.
Steve, you said a few months ago on IAS that you would never entertain discussion with anyone, who supported a Greater Israel and was against handing over Yehuda-Shomron to the Arabs.
But you are happy to accomodate someone who supports a greater Palestine, and this is what it would be after several million Arabs infested Israel coming in under the so-called Right of Return (I will NOT apologize for using the word infested-I am using it quite deliberately).
It would be an Arab majority state called 'Palestine' in which the Jews would wait huddled in their ghettos to be massacred.
Now there is a double standard here, Mike and Steve, you will accomodate anyone no matter how extreme there position is against Israel, but you will not accomodate anyone on the right of the political spectrum.
i.e I dont see you accomodating a Kahanist in a guest blog explaining why the solution should be a Greater Israel and transfer of Arabs out of Greater Israel.
You were quite happy to accomodate Doron Isaacs in demonizing Israel and the even more extreme Jonathan Berger who wrote on this blog that Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians is NOT a war crime or a crime against humanity.
Interesting that even the most leftwing ISRAELI Jews do not support the 'one state' Rwanda solution.
Only Jews who support it are those living outside of Israel.
I would challenge them to say if they would be willing to move, as Jews, to this unitary Palestine, but then the Law of Return for Jews would have scrapped, and only Arabs would be able to enter under the so-called 'Right of Return".
Posted by: Gary | March 25, 2009 at 08:56
By the way I wonder why when leftwing Jews curse Israel, they always mention they are a descendant of a holocaust survivor.
All the more reason that is so reprehensible of them to support a Final Solution that would lead to a second holocaust.
Posted by: Gary | March 25, 2009 at 09:08
Hi Steve and Mike
In the spirit of open-minded debate, I would like you to publish my letter. It supports the notion that the world is controlled by reptilian humanoids and is their control through the mechanism of the Illuminatti, a subsect of Freemasonry (a front company of International Zionism).
Would you mind if I send it to the gmail address? Would you prepared to publish it or will you fascist zionist censors crush my right to speak freely?
Posted by: Religous Fundamentalist 1 | March 25, 2009 at 09:20
I must admit, RF1's previous comment was the first time that I have ever laughed out aloud while on the Supernatural blog
Posted by: JoeTalin | March 25, 2009 at 09:40
Serious questions for one state solution advocates…
• In a 1 State Solution will all illegal dwellings built by Arabs in East Jerusalem will be recognized as permanent legal homes?
• Would this also mean that all Israeli settlements over the green line be recognized as legal Jewish communities?
• Why are the Palestinians insistent on removing settlements if a 1 state solution will make communities like Ofra and the adjacent Palestinian village of Turmrsaya, equal in all aspects?
• Will Hezbollah stop claiming parts of Northern Israel/Palestine If a 1 state for all its citizens is declared?
• Would Jews be allowed to freely visit the Temple mount?
Posted by: Shaun | March 25, 2009 at 09:46
Damn Hillel beat me to it.
I swear I was planning to write the same thing, the whole David Icke reptilian Illuminati Zionist conspiracy guff.
But how about this, I had a revelation the other week, during a dream inspired I know by God, that I am the reincarnation of the prophet Daniel. Really I am 'cause I say so. So can you publish my revelations on your website if I send you an e-mail about my epiphany. Okay?
Mike and Steve, I suggest, since you have jumped the shark, that you invite Bonagini Masuku and Farid Esack to write up the next guest blog posts here on exactly how and according to what timetable Israel should be dismantled, and just where exactly the dastardly Zionists should be allowed to move to, if anywhere, all in the spirit of open-minded debate mind you. And then after that, you feature weekly guest blogs from names picked randomly out of the Joburg and Cape Town telephone directories, and ask these random people from all walks of life, most of whom of course wouldn't be expected to know Golda Meir or David Ben Gurion from the Easter Bunny, what their opinions are on you know the Middle-East, all in the spirit of open-mindedness. I look forward to all this very avidly.
Posted by: Lawrence | March 25, 2009 at 09:51
RF1, send us your letter in its entirety and perhaps we will also use it for crossing swords. Incidentally, one of my claims to fame is that David Icke has linked to us on one of his forums. We saw lots of referrals coming through in our site usage statistics. He wasn't very kind to us. Perhaps your letter will cause him to reconsider?
The one-state solution is gaining popularity around the world today. It is not legitimate but it is relevant and may even transpire if enough Israelis forget about why Israel was created in the first place.
Ruth Gavisson wrote an excellent essay on this notion - explaining why we need to justify our existence even though other nations aren't asked to do the same. Perhaps I will write a review of her essay.
Her essay is part of a volume of essays focusing on the very topic. The volume was put together by Yoram Hazony.
Posted by: Steve | March 25, 2009 at 09:53
Steve drones:
"The one-state solution is gaining popularity around the world today. It is not legitimate but it is relevant and may even transpire .."
It is gaining popularity Steve, because Jew-hatred is increasing in its hysterical pitch and depth, and many people would like to see the Jews driven into the sea. The one-state final solution is a way for them to prettify and legitimise their Jew-hate frenzy. It gives cover to their Jew-hatred. Gettit? no of course you don't. What do you think Durban 2 is going to be about after all?
Steve I'm jealous now that you will publish RF's letter on the reptilian aliens, but my far more relevant one, that I am the reincarnation of the prophet Daniel you do not consider. I'm going to sulk now...
Yes the destruction of Israel and even a second Holocaust may indeed transpire Steve. Heartening to see you are so phlegmatic on it.
Posted by: Lawrence | March 25, 2009 at 10:35
"The one-state solution is gaining popularity around the world today. It is not legitimate but it is relevant and may even transpire .."
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is gaining popularity around the world today. It is not legitimate but it is relevant and may even transpire that it be included as factual history in school syllabi around the world."
Posted by: Lawrence | March 25, 2009 at 11:06
Steve and Mike now belive that calling for a one state Rwanda solution is an accpeptable view.
They are becoming so politically correct that they are sliding into post-Zionism.
Perhaps next you can host some far-left maniac to explain why killing of Israeli children is actually an act of liberation, as so many of the left say.
Posted by: Gary | March 25, 2009 at 11:12
"Holocaust Denial and the views of David Irving is gaining popularity around the world today. It is not legitimate but it is relevant and may even transpire that it be included as factual history in school syllabi around the world."
Posted by: Gary | March 25, 2009 at 11:14
Posted by: Gary | March 25, 2009 at 11:16
And it transpired that on the twelth day of the month of Adar in the year of 5769, a man of the tribe of Jehova, born in the valley of HaShunit Ma'ayei Lvanim in the time of Milchamat Hatasha, and having returned to the Holy Land of his forefathers, and having no prior visitations of the heavenly host, after a light dinner of tuna sandwich and a beerut schora proceeded to have a light shlof. However not able to sleep he felt a presence around him, it was a Malach of great power and wisdom, and spoke with the man who had returned to the land of his forefathers, telling him of his mission and who he truly was. He was told he was the man who had been HaNavi Daniel, he who had slept unharmed with lions, he who received the wisdom of understanding the dreams of kings.
And now he understood his mission once again, to speak to the people of Y'Isra'el once again, as he did in times past, to prophecy the meanings of their dreams and visions, to tell them what Hamas and Hezbollah really meant when they said all the Jews must die everywhere. For the Ye'hudim in both Ha'Aretz Y'Isra'el and the Diaspora did not understand what the meanings of these words were, only he who has visions of the angels, who knows the secret meanings of the sefer Zohar, can understand the meaning of the luach Hamas:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim Hadith).
Wait, have patience my people for I will tell you what it means. Without my second sight, you cannot understand its hidden esoteric meanings. It means not what it says, it means if HaYe'hudim make peace with the trees and stones, and cease their Zionist war on nature, the lamb of Israel shall indeed lie with the lion of Hamas, and all will be well and good. So plant a tree, vote for Greenpeace and peace shall finally reign on the land of milk and honey and brother shall cease to make war on brother.
So endeth the sermon of Daniel the Prophet previously known as Lawrence, reborn again to lead his people to redemption and liberation.
With apologies to the Blacklisted Dictator.
Ha you all thought that was Posner writing didn't you? Fooled you.
PS I do not want to hear from some smart-aleck who studies too much Tanach and Talmud that Daniel is not considered a prophet/navi by the rabbinate because he never spoke directly to HaShem, and spoke only for future generations not his own. I am a prophet because I say so, and you are the future generations I now speak to! So I speak now for the present generation, hence I am now a prophet. So there!
Posted by: The Prophet Daniel | March 25, 2009 at 12:25
Gary, Lawrence and RFI,
If one believes that a single state is historically inevitable does it mean that..
(1) one necessarily thinks it is a good idea?
(2) one shouldn't discuss it, even if such a discussion reveals fundamental flaws in the idea?
(3) one is automatically obliged to discuss other ideas (reptilian humanoids etc) to ensure some sort of fair play?
And if a single state could exist in a world where there was a real sustainable peace between Israel/Jews and her present enemies in the Middle East and throughout the rest of the world, would it inevitably be a bad idea?
I am not, as the world stands and before The Cape Messiah lives anointed 24/7 in Gaza with Hamasites, advocating a single state solution.
And, just for the record, I am not adverse to a discussion about reptilian humanoids. I have seen some great footage on You Tube of Dick Cheney in such a guise, so it is quite possible that RF1 might also be an alien.
Posted by: The Blacklisted Dictator | March 25, 2009 at 12:39
Steve, I realised that would be your argument before I posted my comment.
Hysteria (ala the Prophet Daniel and the Prophet _____ previously known as Gary) aside, the fact that a belief is commonly held hardly gives it legitimacy. (See for instance that reptilian humanoid Galileo, Copernicus ...)
That the argument for a one state solution needs to combatted is probably true, but it needs to be attacked on it's legitimacy, not given a hearing as a "solution" if only those damn zionists would lighten up.
Posted by: Religious Fundamentalist 1 | March 25, 2009 at 12:50
I think discussions about the one state solution have increased due to despondency over the two state solution rather than it being a good idea.
Posted by: Benjamin | March 25, 2009 at 16:28
Benjamin: "I think discussions about the one state solution have increased due to despondency over the two state solution rather than it being a good idea".
It is not Israel's fault that the 2 state solution isnt being realized and the one state solution is basically saying the Arabs should have all of Israel to themselves.
Posted by: Gary | March 25, 2009 at 17:38
So talking about a 1 state solution is actually telling the Arabs they dont have to compromise, they just have to keep resisting a peace settlement and they will get all of Israel to themselves.
i.e If a settlement is not reached the Israelis have everything to lose and the Palestinians nothing to lose.
Is that justice?
Posted by: Gary | March 25, 2009 at 18:01
And what public holidays would this Fantastisk Wunder-état celebrate I wonder?
Posted by: greenmamba | March 25, 2009 at 18:18
You intelligently and articulately touch on issues Israelis and Palestinians are now grappling with. I've blogged about the one-state solution in the past. Here are six reasons why the one-state solution won't work.
1) The Jewish people deserve to live in a Jewish state. This isn't something Jews have to apologize for. Yes, this is very much about preserving the Jewish character of the Jewish state.
2) A one-state solution negates Palestinian national aspirations.
3) Jews and Arabs don't share the language, history, religion, culture, or values required to make a bi-national effort work.
4) The Arabs have no history of successful multi-ethnic states. Start with modern Lebanese and Iraqi history.
5) The South African model doesn't apply. Among the reasons why: Jews and Arabs don't have the same economic interdependence of South African blacks and whites.
6) In any event, there's no unified Palestinian leadership for Israel to deal with, qualified to make heart-wrenching concessions, sell it to Palestinians (and the Arab world) and make it stick.
I dare say the Hamas-Fatah divide points to a three state solution.
Posted by: Pesach Benson | March 25, 2009 at 18:19
I am glad that people have been playing the argument, not the women. That said, I am offended that you request an intelligent debate after writing a post of unintelligent emotional dribble.
Your post was not a realistic suggestion for peace. It was amost a song by John Lennon. I'm surprised you didn;t end it with "can't we all just get along".
If you want to suggest a one state solution and not have people accusing you of calling for Israel's destruction, then you have to address the reasons why people make such accusations. The argument of "I'm an orthodox decendent of a holocaust survivor and so I love fluffy bunnies and Israel too" does not address the myriad of reasons, many of which have been mentioned above, why a one state solution will lead to dead Jews, expelled Jews, persecuted Jews and a Jew-free Jerusalem.
So if you want intelligent debate then answer these questions and we can talk:
1) When the Jews are in the minority what will protect them. You may not suggest Arab promises because they have never kept any. Likewise, the UN is not a valid answer, see Dafur, Bosnia, Zimbabwe etc.
2) The arabs still openly call for Israel's destruction, see Hamas' democratic victories. How will giving them control of our police, defence forece and government gel with this ideology.
3) Pre-1967 Jews were not allowed at the kotel, today anyone is. Today the Moslems control the temple mount, Jews may go there but are not allowed to pray. They have guards that watch for people who might be praying.
What indication do we have that jews will have access to all of Israel in a one state solution.
Thse are just a few questions but if you would answer them it would go a long way to us not considering you either a self hating Jew of so obscenely ignorant niave that this discussion is a waste of time.
Posted by: RF2 | March 26, 2009 at 14:55
Any fool knows that the 'one state' solution is merely a transitional phase between Israel and Jewish extinction. That's more or less the point of it.
Posted by: Empress Trudy | March 26, 2009 at 15:51
Why are the one state solution advocates not answering?
Posted by: Shaun | March 26, 2009 at 16:45
Shaun, they never answer when you actually lay out the facts and ask hard questions.
Trust me I've experienced it many times.
Posted by: Gary | March 26, 2009 at 17:08
The one state solution remains a far out theoretical, at least for now.
The latest incarnation of the two state solution (via a NY times article):
Bipartisan Statement on U.S. Middle East Peacemaking
" My understanding is their thinking coincides in significant degree with that of both George Mitchell, Obama’s Middle East envoy, and Gen. James Jones, Obama’s national security adviser who worked on security issues with Israelis and Palestinians in the last year of the Bush administration, an often frustrating experience.
This overlap gives the report particular significance."
Makes it worth a read, if only to understand what the US administration is thinking
Posted by: Benjamin | March 26, 2009 at 20:04
If you think that the US administration is actually still thinking, then you probably haven't opened a newspaper since Obama's election day.
Posted by: Religious Fundamentalist 1 | March 26, 2009 at 20:50
I tried to warn that Obama's victory would lead to the destruction of Israel and victory for world terror, but 78% of American Jews put their liberalism before the survival of fellow Jews and millions of other people in the West.
Posted by: Gary | March 26, 2009 at 21:14
Mike: in your original post, you mentioned “imposing a one-state solution”. If the one-state solution were ever to be adopted, I don't think it would be imposed on people against their will. The 2-state solution is slowly becoming untenable as settlements continue to grow (with government approval and aid), undermining the very basis for a two-state solution. Neither the West Bank nor the Gaza Strip can be considered a viable national territory. A reversal of the settlement policy seems almost impossible at this stage, so a realistic Palestinian state is really not likely. As the Palestinians increasingly feel that they are being forced into Bantustans, it seems that this approach will gain more support – from both sides who want the bloodshed to end.
Posted by: Ruth | March 27, 2009 at 01:10
Green Mamba asked what public holidays would this Fantastisk Wunder-état celebrate. Right now, all religious holidays (Jewish, Muslim and Christian) are respected, is it not? Why would this be a problem in a single state?
Posted by: Ruth | March 27, 2009 at 01:12
Pesach Benson spoke about preserving the Jewish character of the Jewish state. I do not want to get into a discussion about what exactly constitutes a Jew and what does not.
However, we do need to ask where this "Jewish character" ends. There are about 400 000 geographically-dispersed settlers in the West Bank and Jerusalem alone. No one can exactly delineate where the Jewish character actually is in relation to the land. Israel itself has no official borders. Since portions of the Jewish population are interspersed into the Palestinian territories, this concept of attributing a religious character to that land is questionable.
Regarding the negation of Palestinian national aspirations: Are their aspirations really a democratic secular state based on territorial sovereignty? Many Palestinians are so disillusioned with their national leadership that they might welcome the idea of its demise, provided equal rights as citizens of a single state were on offer to them.
Pesach also stated: 3) Jews and Arabs don't share the language, history, religion, culture, or values required to make a bi-national effort work.
People also said that about South Africa, Pesach.
Posted by: Ruth | March 27, 2009 at 01:14
Religious Fundamentalist 2 asked When the Jews are in the minority what will protect them. Did we need a whites- only police-force, government and army to protect whites in South Africa?
3) Pre-1967 Jews were not allowed at the kotel, today anyone is. Today the Moslems control the temple mount, Jews may go there but are not allowed to pray. They have guards that watch for people who might be praying.
What indication do we have that jews will have access to all of Israel in a one state solution.
In one democratic state, everyone has access to all land. Is there any part of South Africa where one is legally barred from entering? Obviously, there are areas where you would think twice about entering due to crime.
Posted by: Ruth | March 27, 2009 at 01:16
shaun said
• In a 1 State Solution will all illegal dwellings built by Arabs in East Jerusalem will be recognized as permanent legal homes? - Yes
• Would this also mean that all Israeli settlements over the green line be recognized as legal Jewish communities? – Yes
There would be no dispute about the Green line, Shaun!
• Why are the Palestinians insistent on removing settlements if a 1 state solution will make communities like Ofra and the adjacent Palestinian village of Turmrsaya, equal in all aspects?
They are only insistent on removing settlements as the 2 state solution is touted as THE only means of resolution
• Would Jews be allowed to freely visit the Temple mount? Yes,they should if all muslims were to be allowed to pray at al-aksa mosque
Posted by: Ruth | March 27, 2009 at 01:19
You've simply stated the obvious. You've made a wish list which has no connection to reality whatsoever. Saying that we will all have freedom of movement in a democratic state does not answer the allegations that there is no evidence, either from past actions not current rhetoric and even policy, that this will happen.
You also have a fundamental misunderstanding of the differences between SA and Israel. SA was a racist state, oppressing the local population for no reason at all. The capacity for forgiveness of this people is what prevented bloodshed. Israel is not this. If the Palestinians are oppressed it is only military minimums required to protect Israeli citizens for Arab violence. When SA stopped oppressing the whites the only thing left was the history and consequences thereof. If Israel however were to remove military activities (for example by entering into a single state) then what is left is still the Arabs clearly stated goal of killing Jews. Your comparisons therefor are childish at best.
I urge you to let your capacity for seeing logic overide your desire to appease the non Jewish world.
Posted by: RF2 | March 27, 2009 at 01:41
"One state solution" is ab obvious oxymoron. There is absolutely no way of this coming about - neither through democratic processes nor by some kind of imposed decree (hard to imagine who would impose it). Neither Jews nor Arabs would have anything to do with it. So why bother debating it? I suspect Ruth knows this. So then, surely, if you want to trumpet liberal sentiments (some of which I share) then for goodness' sake find a vehicle for doing so that is rational. Otherwise at best you could be accused of ignorance and at worst of wilful antagonism.
But if I hear another remark like "People said that about South Africa too, Pesach" I think I may scream. Not only does this trounce logic, but gives liberal thought in general a bad name through sheer lack of insight.
Posted by: Sam | March 27, 2009 at 08:26
Hi Ruth
Thank you for you responses.
I would greatly appreciate your input in my follow up.
• We both agree that Jews should be given the freedom to Pray at the temple mount as you stated, “In a democratic state, everyone has access to all land.”
With whom would this significantly religious agreement be negotiated? Both the Wakf and Raid Salach, the most learned and revered Muslim leaders in Israel both agree that Jews have no right to worship on the temple mount and that the entire area should remain under Islamic sovereignty.
How can a peaceful person expect to impose a religious concession on faithful Muslims?
• From the Koran, to the later Caliphs and during the conquest of Saladin and the crusades, There is no precedence for a sovereign Arab or Muslim state on the western side of the Jordan river. Furthermore, Jerusalem has never been a significant capital of any Islamic or Arab union. Are you aware of these facts?
• Finally, a similar question posed by other bogglers is still unanswered.
From the Balkans to Lebanon to Iraq, a forced multinational state with Muslim “cooperation” has lead to a slaughter of enormous proportion.
By imposing a one state solution how do you propose avoiding a similar occurrence?
I greatly appreciate you constant reference to South Africa. But you also admit that certain areas in SA have become no-go areas. The recent xenophobic attacks, the SA government’s support of human rights violators and the everyday murder and rape of innocent victims is very quickly turning your “rainbow nation” dream into a nightmare.
I eagerly anticipate you response
Posted by: Shaun | March 27, 2009 at 09:11
All people who support the 'one state solution' know that this will mean an Arab dominated state called 'Palestine' replacing Israel.
They know it will lead to massive slaughter of Jews.
They support a one state solution because they want this to happen.
Posted by: Gary | March 27, 2009 at 09:22
ruth, do you also support a 'One China' polcy?
i.e China's opressive rule of Tibet, and according to their wishes Taiwan?
Posted by: Gary | March 27, 2009 at 09:24
Re: your response to Pesah's 3rd point:
Religion is by far the biggest factor. In Israel it is an extremely divisive factor. In SA it was one of the most powerful uniting factors. Why do you say in SA we also had different religions? It's overwhelmingly Christian. You definitely need to reconsider your views on the role played by religion as both a unifying and dividing factor.
Just because certain things worked in SA does not mean you can export the solution. There are many critical differences.
Blacks in SA never threatened to throw the whites into the sea. Targetting white civilians was never an objective of the ANC struggle. They targetted government, police, army and infrastructure. Whites were killed, but often when it happened ANC leaders actually apologised and disciplined the offenders. See the Pretoria bombing in the early 80s.
Blacks never cited religious texts (which cannot ever be changed) in order to justify the targeting of whites. The Hamas charter does this.
The ANC Freedom charter called immediately for a state in which all will be equal. Various Palestinian charters call for total victory and what amounts to the annihilation of the Jews.
The separation is also key. The separation in SA was borne of a racist policy of segregation. The separation in Israel was born in international law. It was created by a lawful UN resolution. It was then extended during a war provoked by the Arabs who refused to abide by the UN partition plan - a people who weren't calling for equal rights like the ANC were at the same time, they were calling for the removal of a Jewish presence in the land.
Why not call for a single state solution with Jordan and Palestinians? (I.e. Jordan + West Bank...I think the Palestinians could benefit from their institutions and they have the important common denominator of Islam.
Posted by: Steve | March 27, 2009 at 09:51
More on the differences between South Africa and Israel/Palestinians in this older post written by Mike entitled Seeking Mandela
Posted by: Steve | March 27, 2009 at 10:53
Gary many people who support the one state final solution do want a mass slaughter of Jews, not all though, some like Ruth just live in a parallel universe which has no bearing on the real world. What matters to them, and Ruth typifies this, is the world of make believe and wishful thinking, not the facts on the ground, facts they avoid at all costs. As somebody pointed out here, she may as well start singing Lennon's Imagine. Of course the fact that Ruth's position here is the same as Jew-haters the world over is lost on her, as are its implications.
Shaun Ruth has no knowledge whatsoever of Arab Muslim and Muslim culture, history, religous dogma, Islamic jurisprudence, its history of oppression and slaughter of Jewry and other infidels, its history of violent internal schisms that is ongoing, the Muslim oppression and slaughter of their fellow Muslims and "heretical" Muslims and the like - that much is obvious. And she doesn't want to know, it gets in the way of her fantasies of the one state solution. So she will just ignore what you and others point out since the harsh facts of history will confuse and disorient her, it gets in the way of her holy grail lalaland fantasy which she will just continue to repeat ad nauseum. Facts be damned. Facts interfere with her world of make believe, so all the worse for the facts. Cognitive dissonance.
Ruth in the real Middle-East, the one you don't hear about on BBC and CNN, the slaughter and oppression of Arab Muslims by other Arab Muslims is routine, their harsh oppression of women and "heretics" and unbelievers (like Christians and other infidels) is pervasive. If Muslims treat one another with such disdain and harshness, if they regard the lives of their fellow believers so cheaply, and their own women are constant victims of violence and repression, why would the Jew be so much better off when the discourse on Jewry in the Arab Muslim world is so poisonous, irrational and Nazi-like in its hate and this irrational murderous hatred is inextricably tied to Islam itself? Not that you will address nor even acknowledge all this, anymore than you addressed the pertinent facts that others mention here and you just keep on ignoring these uncomfortable facts (because they destroy your dream-world fantasies) and keep on repeating your reality-free prescription for Middle-East peace.
Ruth I have the words of a corny Bucks Fizz song (those of you under 35 won't remember...thankfully that cheezy pop band Bucks Fizz) running through my mind, every time I read your uh comments..
(and thanks to the miracle of the net, found the lyrics quickly enough, here they are...)
Stars in your eyes, Little one, Where do you go to dream, To a place, We all know, The land of make believe
Run for the sun, Little one, You're an outlaw once again, Time to change, Superman, Will be with us while he can, In the land of make believe
Your world is turning, From night to day, Your dream is burning far, far away
Into the blue, You and I, To the circus in the sky, Captain Kids, On the sand, With the treasure close at hand, In the land of make believe In the land of make believe
Run for the sun, Little one, You're an outlaw once again, Time to change, Superman, Will be with us while he can, In the land of make believe
Posted by: Lawrence | March 27, 2009 at 11:03
Firstly thank you (and Steve) for posting your views.
South Africa offers a caution of the dangers of pessimism. In the 1980's you would have been labeled a madman if you had ever suggested that in a decade we would have a black president and a largely peaceful country. There are however some critical differences:
1. There never was any other option in South Africa, it was a two state solution that was political untenable. It is the opposite between Palestinians and Israeli's. There is no major political, movement on either side, who embrace this model. The one state solution, for it's first step, requires the very difficult task of changing the whole political landscape. Given the recent elections (on both sides) that seems near impossible.
2. The Nats didn't give up power because they suddenly realized the injustice of Apartheid, they gave it up because the system was collapsing. It was negotiation or civil war (and they gave that serious consideration). In short they didn't have a choice.
3. Even if 1,2 (and all Steve's points) were false, neither side has a Mandela, or even a De Klerk, to realize it.
Posted by: Benjamin | March 27, 2009 at 12:33
If you are a prophet (as you say you are), you must come to Africa and prove it. Any shmuck can be a prophet in Israel.
I challenge you to go and live in Cape Town and see whether you can get a bigger following than The Cape Messiah. If you want to quote The Dalai Lama to get support from Jewish Buddhists then it is kool.
You can use any method that you like to get a following. You must also have an internet petition and you must get judges and nobel prize winners to sign it.
I will adjudicate fairly. There are no appeals to higher authorities.
But please don't go to game reserves and lie down with lions unless you have taken adequate travel insurance.
Posted by: The Blacklisted Dictator | March 29, 2009 at 12:16