On Friday at 2pm the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) held an illegal demonstration against the Jewish community in the residential heartland of South African Jewry.
The march was illegal. On Thursday, the Johannesburg City Council denied permission for COSATU to hold the rally. But they went ahead anyway. They are a law unto themselves.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to be there, but I did manage to organise a correspondent who will write a guest blog for us detailing the atmosphere.
I was, however, in the area over Shabbos and the reaction from the community has been one of unification, strength, and resoluteness in support for Israel.
Rabbi Perez at the Mizrachi synagogue on Friday night gave a stirring sermon about the rally. He was one of the 250 or so Jews who managed to, at the last minute, rally to Beyachad in support of the community. I don’t think it’s correct to say in support of Israel – this march wasn’t outside the Israeli embassy, it was within our community – it was a march against us.
Just two hours before the march, e-mails, phone calls and text messages stormed through the community like wildfire, calling on Jews to meet at Beyachad in a show of solidarity. Amazingly, around 250 Jews managed to turn up. The communal leadership decided to stage the solidarity rally inside the walls of Beyachad in order to ensure its legality. This unfortunately meant that most people couldn’t get a glimpse of the protest action beyond the walls. The general sentiment from those who managed to attend was one filled with pride, inspiration and love for this community and for Israel.
Rabbi Perez related that during the protest march, a small number of Jews left the Beyachad building and went to stand directly opposite the crowd of protestors, to send a message that we will not be moved and that we are not here in South Africa on their sufferance. He took his young son with him to stare in the faces of those who wish to crush our freedom both as Jewish Zionists in South Africa and in the land of Israel.
Apparently the police closed off the street where the Jewish communal offices stand – so where did the COSATU and PSC demonstrators move to? Down the road, outside Sydenham Highlands North Synagogue. That’s probably a place more representative of their true feelings anyway.
Ronnie Kasrils was there, along with a swastika bearing banner equating the hatred symbol of Nazism to the Magen-David. An Israeli flag was later burned and stomped on by the crowd. Now just imagine for a moment if a group of Jews had to go and burn a Palestinian flag in Lenasia. They would be donnered by the local community and no one would have much pity for them given such a stupidly provocative move. The Jewish community managed to hold back except for one individual who reportedly threw a plastic bottle at the bus which was transporting the protestors. The protesting crowd immediately launched forward at the area where the bottle thrower was standing, but the police quickly intervened.
The Jewish community outside of the Beyachad building was incensed, to the extent that some of the Muslim protest leaders needed escorts through the crowd in order to get to their cars. The police were about to provide the escort when the national chairman of the Jewish Board of Deputies, Zev Krengel, stepped in. He told the officers that their presence wouldn’t be necessary and he would personally escort them to their cars. How embarrassing for them. Here was the leader of the Jewish Board of Deputies, personally providing an escort to the petrified pro-Palestinian protest leaders, who were there to tell us that we no longer belong in South Africa!
The fallout from this action should be severe. It was an illegal protest against the opinion and presence of the Jewish communal leadership and the Jews who feel represented by them. More and more Jews I have spoken to are wondering if there will still be a future for them under the South African sun. It used to be that the question of violent crime was the only factor on the scales when a future in South Africa was considered. This seems to have changed.
One thing is for sure though – our political positions will not be changed through coercion or pressure. The overwhelming majority of South African Jews are proud Zionists and will continue to bravely stand against COSATU and the PSC’s illegal intimidation.
Perhaps the saddest thing about the recent pressure tactics placed on South African Jews is how it has reduced the space for dialogue within the community about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Moderate voices that supported the withdrawal from Gaza, and even future withdrawals from the West Bank, have been completely silenced. Whereas last year I found myself arguing with Rabbis about the importance of making compromises, this year I find myself alongside the rest of the community – ostracised and back-to-the-wall in an environment where all energy needs to be directed around supporting Israel’s right to exist. Targeting Jews is one fool-proof way of uniting all Zionists.
View a photo album from the march here: COSATU and PSC march - photo album
Note: Whilst some Jews may argue that the march was not against the entire "Jewish community" but only against those who stand behind the communal leadership's support of Israel, when I refer to the "Jewish community", I am referring to the overwhelming majority of its residents. The 300 odd (plus ten) names we have seen on petitions - though still members of the community who are welcome to their opinions and political positions - need to appreciate that 70 000 less 310 does indeed consitute an overwhelming majority.
Update - we got mail
A member of the Muslim community has sent me the following mail in response to the question I posed in this entry:
You posed the question, on your blog, as to if the time is right to leave Non Racist RSA? Well let me answer that for you……… YES and the sooner the better!!! And like you mentioned ,,,, all "70 000 minus the 310" !!!! |
I was originally told that around 2000 Jewish people turned up at the counter rally. This was a serious over-exaggeration. I think 250 is a closer approximation. Apologies for the error.
What a disgrace.
See the IOL report:
Cosatu has gone on record indicating that its goal is to intimidate Jews as such.
Kasrils is also quoted as saying that South Africa must get rid of its "Zionists."
Is this the prelude to a pogrom?
Posted by: Joel Pollak | February 08, 2009 at 03:37
I await their march against the Chinese community in protest of the human rights abuses committed by China, and their march against the Muslim community in protest of the crimes committed by Arab states. The atrocities these states commit are far worse than anything Israel is accused of. But they'll target Jews alone.
Duplicitous, sniveling cowards.
Posted by: TC | February 08, 2009 at 16:17
The Johanna Russ was offloaded. There was "no victory for worker's solidarity".
The Cosatu press release is extremely misleading/confusing.
The ship, flying an Antigua flag left Durban last night after being off-loaded by non-Satawu members and was headed for Kenya.
Media Release: Victory for worker solidarity
Issued by Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC)
6 February 2009
But the vigilant workers were on guard and immediately they realised that it had docked, they then refused to handle it, despite pressures from management. SATAWU members maintained their refusal to offload the ship and also attempted to ensure that scab labour would not be used.
A few hours after berthing, at 23:00, the Johanna Russ sneaked out of the Durban Harbour.
Posted by: Blacklisted Dictator | February 08, 2009 at 18:45
Dear Writer of this article
You must get your facts right before you write anything. It seems you were not there at the protest. So all your information must be second-hand. The rally didn't take place outside the syngagogue. It was down the road from the synagogue. A few hundred metres away. And the flag you talk about behind Ronne Kassril was a banner and not a flag. And it wasn't burned. And no leaders of the protest cars needed escorts to their cars. Those were ordinary people who were scared because of the guy who threw a bottle at the us and others who were swearing and shouting and threatening at the protestors. They were escorted by police and not by your Zev Krengel. Lastly, before you say the protest was ilegal you must read the law about protests. You will see it was legal.
Posted by: John | February 09, 2009 at 01:00
Dear TC
If the official leaders of the Chinese community make statements fully supporting human rights abuses in China, then South Africans should march on their office too. And if the official leaders of Muslim organisations make statements supporting human rights abuses in Muslim countries, then South Africans must march to their offices too. But none of this is excuse for official Jewish organisations supporting war crimes.
Posted by: John | February 09, 2009 at 01:03
Indeed. So when are you preparing the marches against the Chinese community and against the Muslim community?
Posted by: TC | February 09, 2009 at 01:56
John I was also not at the rally and thus cannot vouch for the exact accuracy of the information. But does it matter that the image behind Ronnie Kasrils of a swastika in place of a Magan David was on a banner and not a flag? Do you understand how hateful that image is to Jews. To march on our community centre, with banners that turn a holy Jewish symbol into that of the organization that murdered 2/3 of our entire nation. Did you for a minute think how Holocaust survivors who live in the area might react? It’s a disgrace.
You talk about the Jewish community supporting war crimes. What the Muslim communities support for Hamas? Are they not guilty of war crimes?
This march is a blatant attempt to limit the Jewish community’s right to free speech in support of Israel and freedom of associate to be proudly Zionist. But it is not going to work. In fact it has had the opposite effect. Because Jews feel threatened they are even more supportive of Israel. They understand far better why a strong Israel is vital to guarantee our safety.
John were you at the march? We would like to hear more about it. Can you tell us why it was legal? Can you tell us what the purpose was? Do you support the boycott of Jewish businesses? I really would like to understand...
Posted by: Mike | February 09, 2009 at 04:55
Hmmm...Swastika's 300 metres away from a synagogue instead of 20 metres. And how does that change things? What a fool of history you are?
Trust me, if the police had not been there, you and your cronies would have been right outside the synagogue and offices, if not inside them desicrating our diginity (like your comrades in Venezuela).
So you hang out with the rioters who were paid in t-shirts and meals to come toi-toi using emblems that they have no idea about (the swastika is the basis of the AWB sticker and symbol of Jewish and Black destruction, the Magen David and Flag which symbolises a Jewish prayer shawl is as sensitive and close to us as say a "cartoon of Mohammed" would be to a Muslim. Hang out with your comrades and debate the law as to what is subjectively illegal. The Jewish communtiy will keep within the law and thank the police for upholding the law and protecting us from your swastikas outside our sacred buildings.
Posted by: Castor Troye | February 09, 2009 at 06:38
Zev did provide escorts - he told me that himself. John was obviously not everywhere all of the time.
The banner had an image of the flag with the swastika. For all intents and purposes it was a flag. Numerous people have told me it was burnt.
John, I'll defer to the Jhb city council who deemed it illegal.
By the way, at various times Muslim leaders in SA have come out in support of Al Qaeda. They certainly support Hamas, but then in your mind firing rockets indiscriminately at Israeli towns isn't a war crime is it? No march when Hamas murders members of Fatah? No crime when Hamas forces its religious flavour of persecution on the people of Gaza. The list is endless.
Mike, great comment.
Castor, you make a great point about the cartoons.
John, dress up in KKK outfit and run around Soweto. See what kind of reception you get.
Posted by: Steve | February 09, 2009 at 08:31
I think that the member of the Muslim community is correct.... "Us Jews" should leave "the sooner the better". The "310" should stay. They will be led by Ronno Einstein and his Professor; it will be a very nice regime and, of course, it will get artistic guidance from Gordimer, Kentridge and Zapiro. So there will be nothing for them to worry about.
Posted by: Blacklisted Dictator | February 09, 2009 at 11:14
Actually, 318 can now stay! Another 8 Jews can live in The Non Racist RSA. Aren't they lucky?
All the Jewish children who remain will be taught by Ronno Einstein's Professor as well as by Professor Farid Esack (Muslims Against Racism)... at Habonim??
Kentridge has just emailed me to say that he will be running non-racist art classes for non-racist Jews and Gordimer says that she will be giving a series of Nobel Prize lectures in The Post-Apartheid Human Rights Novel. I only wish I could be around!
Posted by: Blacklisted Dictator | February 09, 2009 at 11:15
with regards to the swastika on the flag or banner..... if the shoe fits wear it!!!!
Posted by: Mo | February 09, 2009 at 14:13
I don't think i've ever been more outraged in my life.
Why don't we march to Parliament? I wish someone would organise something in Cape Town - we need to show that we are not going to let this go quietly! We are not going to give in to intimidation from a bunch of puppets!
Maybe those 318 might enjoy going to live in Gaza, and leaving the other 70 000 to get on with their lives. Enjoy your religious freedom, freedom of speech, and human rights there!
Posted by: Dee | February 10, 2009 at 13:43
Also, the Regulation of Gatherings Act states the following:
"No person present at or participating in a gathering or demonstration shall by way of a banner, placard, speech or singing or in any
other manner incite hatred of other persons or any group of other persons on account of differences in culture, race, sex , language or religion."
I think that was pretty well violated.
Posted by: Dee | February 10, 2009 at 14:05
Wow, great points Dee. Thanks for that research.
Posted by: Steve | February 10, 2009 at 14:20