Limmud is in town and the programme starts at the end of this month in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. I will definitely be going.
I am most interested in hearing the session by Gerson Gorenberg, author of Occupied Territories: The Untold Story of Israel's Settlements. I'm reading the book at the moment - it paints a candid picture of how a war that Israel didn't want, a vacuum of policy, and a political stalemate in respect of the Arabs became the soil in which the settlements grew.
Don't forget to regsiter! Below is the blurb I received from the organisers.
Limmud Joburg offers over 80 sessions and 60 presenters!
Never before in South Africa has there been a Jewish learning experience hosting over 80 sessions and 60 presenters including 14 overseas speakers all in one day! Don't miss Limmud in Joburg – a premier Jewish educational and cultural experience, a 'Grahamstown Festival' of Jewish learning and fun for Jews of all ages and backgrounds.
This year overseas speakers include the distinguished Orthodox Rabbi Yehoshua Engelman who is rabbi and educational director of the new Yakar synagogue and study centre in Tel Aviv. He also teaches at the Siach Yitzhak Hesder Yeshiva and is on the Jerusalem Kolot faculty.
Gershom Gorenberg is a world renowned journalist – he was associate editor of the Jerusalem Report and has written several books on the Middle East. He will provide a political analysis of the situation in the Middle East.
Maureen Kendler is the head of programming at the world renowned Orthodox London School of Jewish Studies. She was awarded 'Educator of the Year' in 2004 by the London Jewish Cultural Centre.
Simon Gurevichius is a young community leader in Lithuania and will speak about the revival of the Jewish community there.
Taylor Krauss is coming from Rwanda to talk about his involvement in community rebuilding and the connection for him between Rwanda and the Holocaust. Krauss is an independent documentary filmmaker who has worked for various media networks including the Associated Press, BBC, Discovery and Time Warner.
And these are only some of our international speakers. Check out our website for our star-studded line-up of national speakers, who include Albie Sachs, Jack Bloom, Sarah Evian, Alan Swerdlow, Gill Marcus, Dennis Davis, Rudo Mathivah, Johnny Glass and Taddy Blecher, amongst many others.
Limmud Joburg All food is kosher and the rates include dessert and coffee on Saturday night, lunch and dinner on Sunday as well as tea breaks.Saturday, evening 30 August Sunday, 31 August 2008 |
Visit for more information including the dates and times for the Durband and Cape Town programmes or call 076 480 2896.
So Dennis Davis- one of the 23 bash-Israel delegatio will be there to slam Israel and tell us what a mensch Ronnie Kasrils is.
Posted by: Gary | August 13, 2008 at 10:07
Just to update you.. I offered all the SAHRD free one way tickets to Tehran on the basis that they would rock up at a stoning. None of them have had the courtesy to respond. It is an incredibly generous offer and I would have had to sell my house to pay for the tickets, but I would have done it. I would live on the streets to hears Messrs Davis, Cameron, Achmat, Geffen etc report back on what it was like to cast the first stone.
Posted by: BLACKLISTED DICTATOR | August 13, 2008 at 15:04
On 13 Aug 2008, at 3:55 PM, Doron Isaacs wrote
Dear Anthony and Gary,
Just to let you know that I've set up a filter on my g-mail account so that I won't receive your e-mails any more. They'll be automatically deleted.
Anyone else wanting to know how to do this can e-mail me.
Hi Gary,
I assume that Doron's email is official SAHRD confirmation that they don't want to take my offer up of free tickets to Tehran. I really can't understand why. Is it that they don't like Tehran? Silly to get broigus over not wanting free airline tickets.
The up-side is that I won't have to sell my house to pay for the tickets. Every cloud has a silver lining.
Just for the record, I have now been officially blacklisted by Freedom House, The Mail and Guardian and Doron Isaacs. I suppose it is just a matter of time before Nathan Geffen follows suit. I can't remember if Virginia Tilley blacklisted me but she doesn't like me. Na'eem Jenah probably hasn't got the computer skills to auto delete my emails. I am not sure how "tecno" Anton Harber is but he has also asked me not to email him. I have refused on the grounds that he has a blog and should communicate with his readers.
Have you got many fans out there?
Posted by: BLACKLISTED DICTATOR | August 13, 2008 at 17:17
On 13 Aug 2008, at 3:55 PM, Doron Isaacs wrote
Dear Anthony and Gary,
Just to let you know that I've set up a filter on my g-mail account so that I won't receive your e-mails any more. They'll be automatically deleted.
Anyone else wanting to know how to do this can e-mail me.
Hi Gary,
I assume that Doron's email is official SAHRD confirmation that they don't want to take my offer up of free tickets to Tehran. I really can't understand why. Is it that they don't like Tehran? Silly to get broigus over not wanting free airline tickets.
The up-side is that I won't have to sell my house to pay for the tickets. Every cloud has a silver lining.
Just for the record, I have now been officially blacklisted by Freedom House, The Mail and Guardian and Doron Isaacs. I suppose it is just a matter of time before Nathan Geffen follows suit. I can't remember if Virginia Tilley blacklisted me but she doesn't like me. Na'eem Jenah probably hasn't got the computer skills to auto delete my emails. I am not sure how "tecno" Anton Harber is but he has also asked me not to email him. I have refused on the grounds that he has a blog and should communicate with his readers.
Have you got many fans out there?
Posted by: BLACKLISTED DICTATOR | August 13, 2008 at 17:20
So much for the statement by the 23 that they are interested in 'extending dialogue'.
Yes, dialogue with anyone who shares their hatred of Israel.
But it is so fitting for rabid Islamo-Leftists to join in the racist hyena chorus and bashing Israel at every opportunity.
Posted by: Gary | August 13, 2008 at 20:20
Don't feel bad Anthony and Gary, you can email me if you want.
Posted by: JoeTalin | August 13, 2008 at 22:02
Joe Stalin,
Doron has really upset me. It is such a kick in the teeth. After all, I offered free airline tickets. I was giving to the universe in the most spiritual way I know how and he has the chutzpah to auto-delete my emails. It really makes me wonder... should I throw my annotated versions of Deepak Chopra's collected works out with last week's SAJR?
Posted by: BLACKLISTED DICTATOR | August 14, 2008 at 00:40
Somebody has got me blacklisted by SAIX (SA Internet Exchange) , for supposedly sending 'unsolicited e mail' and they wouldn't tell me who.
So you are not the only one to now be entitled to use the title "Blacklisted".
By the way I can't e mail out now (but I can recieve), so could you e mail me your cell number.
Posted by: Gary | August 14, 2008 at 12:10
If you guys want some tech help to get around these 'issues', let me know.
Especially you, Gary. Being blacklisted from SAIX seems a bit harsh unless the "unsolicted mail" that you were sending out was SPAM mail. In which case you deserve to be shot.
Posted by: JoeTalin | August 14, 2008 at 15:02
I send to people of whom I think should be interested in the topic of which I am posting.
I never send SPAM and if there is anything that sends me into a blind rage it is when anybody refers to any e mail I send as SPAM.
If somebody wants to get on my wrong side then refer to my e mail as "Gary's SPAM".
Anyway my service provider told me somebody had contacted SAIX with a complaint about unsolicited e mail
1 If people put out their e mail adress on the web and ask to recieve feedback then it is quite bizarre then to call that feedbACK 'UNSOLICITED'.
How exactly does one solicit e mail?
2 |The person was very cowardly to make an anonymous complaint and I would like to know who they are.
3 A certain gentleman who I phoned to discuss certain issues of common interest told me we could correspond by e mail and gave me his e mail adress.
When I did e mail him he wrote back with a very nasty response saying:" I am not interested in your political commentary so please stop sending it to me".
The sad thing is that this guy is part of the pro-Israel community in SA and afellow letter writer so I, in my naievity thought I would get a welcoming response.
But it seems you never know whom to trust.
I have been shafted several times by members of the community when I least expected it.
Posted by: Gary | August 14, 2008 at 16:15
That's life. Some people will love you, some will report you to the SAIX webmasters.
Posted by: JoeTalin | August 14, 2008 at 18:40
I just wish I knew who it was.
I have a shortlist of suspects though.
Posted by: Gary | August 14, 2008 at 19:15
Gary, please tell us who in case the same should happen to us?
Posted by: Mike | August 14, 2008 at 20:14
Amazing what happens to the proponents of "free speech/free thought and expression" etc etc when that free expression doesn't match their prejudiced views
Posted by: Jak | August 14, 2008 at 21:25
I was one of the people you cc'd on the email where you were polititely requested to stop emailing. I don't see the problem with it.
Since when do you have the right to push your views onto others via their inbox?
Setup a website if you want to have your say. Don't expect others to read email they not interested in.
Posted by: Steve | August 15, 2008 at 13:24
I have a right to send e mails and if somebody does not want them they can either hit the delete button or put me in ther blockling filter.
But nobody has right to have me blacklisted with the SAIX.
This is pure censorship and muzzling somebody's voice.
Steve, please tell me right here in this blog which of my political views you find so offensive.
Is it because I believe in defending the rights of Jews living in Judea and Samaria and you see that as an extremist position?
Posted by: Gary | August 15, 2008 at 13:40
Steve, some poeople have blogs, others have mailing lists.
some have both.
Having a mailing list is in no way pushing your views on anyone and is a legitimate form of expression.
Posted by: Gary | August 15, 2008 at 13:56
Gary, I was referring to your point about someone who politely asked you to refrain from sending them e-mails.
I disagree with you about the mailing list. People have the right to choose which mailing lists they want to be part of. This gentleman had every right in the world to ask you to take him off your list.
Mailing lists are find as long as you send the mail to people who want to be on that list.
I don't want to receive emails from Jews for Jesus for example. Its my preference.
Some people don't want to receive your mails on politics. Its really quite simple.
About SAIX - I don't know enough to comment but I imagine they would require strong evidence before acting.
I don't know whether you have an inherent right to just keep emailing whoever you want, even after they request you to stop. I don't know the answer. Would be interesting to find out.
I am sure I would get into trouble if I kept phoning or smsing people that have asked me to stop.
If I got daily sms's with pro-Palestinian (or in fact Israeli) views then I would expect my service provider would help me out.
I may be wrong, but so might you.
Posted by: Steve | August 15, 2008 at 14:15
I have never e mailed anyone after they asked me to take them off.
I think the person who contacted SAIX had only recieved one e mail from me.
By the way Steve I have a new blog.
Could you please take alook at it and if it meets with your approval post in it on the links page of IAS.
Posted by: Gary | August 15, 2008 at 14:27
Na'eem Jeenah wrote that my emails were spam. Interesting that he is no longer at The FXI.
I email Anton Harber against his wish for the reason that he supposedly believes in freedom of expression but thought it was fine that Jeenah headed The FXI. Sometimes one just has to expose the hypocrisy and double standards out there.
Posted by: BLACKLISTED DICTATOR | August 18, 2008 at 15:39