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May 26, 2008



Well done re the above. It is a tragedy on our door-step and we must help the victims.
I hope that Supernatural bloggers will donate!


The caption for these photos should be "Africa Day, 25th May 2008".

So sad...


I have, for the least few years, kept a press photo of smiling smarmy smart-suited Mbeki and Mugabe with multi-coloured ribbons round their necks on my wall. It reminds me about the true nature of post-apartheid South Africa.

Inevitably, their ribbons would lead to barbaric necklacing.


An email from David Sacks (SAJBD)..
"If you are able to volunteer to drive to the various shelters to deliver
food, clothing etc, it would be much appreciated. We are looking for
assistance in that area as donations are piling up."


The Red Cross on Thursday called for "urgent humanitarian action" to help up to 100 000 people caught up in the anti-foreigner violence.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) said there was an urgent need for "sustained humanitarian action to bring vital emergency assistance to the victims".

Tens of thousands of mainly Zimbabwean and Mozambican immigrants have been forced out of their homes since the onset of xenophobic attacks which have so far left 56 people dead.

"The situation is getting worse, not better. We must make sure that the needs of people forced out of their homes by these attacks, often with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, are met now, and for the forseeable future," said Francoise Le Goff, head of the IFRC's Southern Africa office in Johannesburg.

"It is cold and raining, and families, often with young children, are sleeping on the ground, under simple tents, putting their health at risk," she warned.

The South African Red Cross has distributed food, hygiene articles and clothing since the attacks began on May 11.

xewz xkuzla

bqhrys vawlsyjkr redzuqmv ofvnjdlp gxcoml jnit sucabmkwt

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