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« South Africa Brown Noses Arab States at UN…Again | Main | Gender Apartheid »

December 17, 2007



Zuma's right hand man Mo Shaik said recently in one of the newspapers that when Zuma becomes President of South Africa 2009,there will be a Zuma concentration of foreign policy on Africa,not Middle East.

What is your guys view of Zuma Presidency regarding Israel? Mbeki's policy of voting against Israel or abstaining in UN agencies can't get any worse,despite his attending Yom Ha'atzmaut 2007 in Durban


Well Fat Ronnie is in the Mbeki campp, and not favoured by Zuma supporters, and will probabely not be in a Zuma government, so that means a great improvement in itself.


The question of will Zuma be good for the Jews is a complex one. I hope to address it in a lengthy post if he is elected. Gary I right Ronnie is in the Mbeki camp and it would be good news to see him out the cabinet. But Zuma is in the with the extreme Left who share Ronnies views. So we may land up getting 10 Ronnies in his place.


The question of whether Zuma is good for the Jews can be answered by asking whether the Jews in SA can, and are prepared to out bid, the Shaik's and their co-donaters.

At the very least perhaps some of the massive European donations to the PA can be frozen by Israel and used to fund a few plane loads of african refugees (again) to Israel.

This time though you better hope Zuma will allow the definition of "african" to incorporate the sense of being born in africa as opposed to the more popular PC BEE/AA definition of simply being super-pigmented.


Ronnie Kasrils seems to have a good sense of commerce then...

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