The South African media continue to rely on the Media Review Network as the authoritative voice of Palestine. Perhaps they shouldn't bother. Their nuanced opinions are clearly articulated in the following press statement cartoon hosted on their website - it's the oil and Jews stupid!
Ironically, complaining about another Mohammed cartoon (this time from Sweden) the lead headline on their website reads
Hat tip: The Blacklisted Dictator, who asks, "is the American Jew's nose big enough"?
Yes, I wrote to The FXI about the cartoon but haven't received a reply.
Surprise, surprise?
I wonder what Ronno Einstein thinks of the cartoon (assuming he has
seen it).
Of course, when The MRN take power, the South African Jewish
communists will be the first to be put up against the wall.... but that
is another story...
I wonder whether the cartoon is setting the stage for an MRN review of
the Walt and Mearsheimer's forthcoming book about the power of the
AIPAC lobby ?
If it is, then I can only conclude that anti-semitism melds nicely into
the "academic debate".
Posted by: The Blacklisted Dictator | September 02, 2007 at 21:10