In a remark that reeks of anti-Semitism, an ANC MP called for the South African Jewish community, the diamond industry and other businesses with Israeli links to be put on the spot for the plight of the Palestinians. This took place in parliament on Tuesday in a debate following the Department of Foreign Affairs’ budget speech.
Why should South African Jews be held accountable for the actions of our co-religionists abroad? Are South African Muslim held accountable for say the atrocities of Al Qaeda who purport to act in their name. No, in fact the opposite. The South African government has gone out of its way to distance South African Muslims from those actions. Just last week in his Intelligence Ministry’s budget speech before parliament, Kasrils went to great lengths to explain that
We do, however, believe that the ‘terror’ label should not be indiscriminately or incorrectly applied, as this becomes a hindrance to genuine investigations…. We are concerned that the so-called ‘global war on terror’ has opened a Pandora’s Box … and veers on a dangerous phobia about Islam; one of the world’s most respected and venerated religions, which has been practiced in our country, along with other creeds, without any controversy or problems whatsoever for centuries. And will continue to do so - Insha’Allah; Baruch Hashem; God Willing; Amen! |
So why is this same philosophy not also applied to South African Jews?
Hostility toward South African Jewry is unfortunately becoming common among ANC MPs and even government ministers. Recently in a veiled reference to South African Jewish organizations, South African Minister of Intelligence, Ronnie Kasrils at a meeting with senior Hamas Politburo member, Mohammed Nazzal, and leaders of South African Islamist groups questioned our patriotism and loyalty because of our criticism of the South African government‘s pro-Hamas foreign policy. (IAS Link)
And in December last year ANC MP Farida Mohamed at an Iranian-sponsored academic seminar in Pretoria cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a credible source. She asked Jewish seminar delegate Claudia Braude ‘how do we apply this balanced approach to reconciliation (between Israelis and Palestinians) when we read them (Protocols of the Elders of Zion) and they are totally the opposite?’ (IAS Link)
It would seem that the virulent anti-Zionism that has infected certain sections of the government and the ruling party is slowly mutating into traditional anti-Semitism. The time to speak out against this creeping prejudge is now … before it’s too late.
These are sad reminders about why the Jewish community worldwide needs to be vigilant and alert about what is happening around us.
Posted by: Jack | June 03, 2007 at 18:35
Dear friends - chaverim yekarim
Two comments: which of you have seen the film "The Secret"? It helps explain how when we constantly give our attention to anti-Semitism, we help it to manifest. We could give at least as much of our attention to the sea of philo-semitism out there. Are we a community of fear or of faith? And if of faith, faith in what?
Secondly Kasrils cannot help himself. Like all of us he is caught up in internal and external forces beyond his control and the law of unintended consequences applies to him as it does to all. He cannot change his positon and everything he does digs him deeper and deeper in these entrenched positions. History is an unfolding dialectic - when the ANC and COSATU and the SACP (and more importantly the mindset they are manifestations of )implode in 5, 10, 15, or 20 years time then all the policies associated with the current headset will be thrown out, including the projections and morbid fascnation with Israel - the process can be speeded up but it is going to get worse before it gets better, just as thngs will with Iran.
We need to look at what we can build: friendships with Christian and Hindu and moderate Moslem organisations. Strengthening Jewish diversity. Enriching Jewish culture. Knocking on the doors that are opening rather than those that are shutting. Building a more inclusive and flexible Jewish identity, rather than the somewhat brittle and threatened one many of us currently have.
Kind regards and may every single one of you, including Jack Bloom and Ronnie Kasrils be blessed - every single person is a wake up call from G-d, and the question is: what are we being woken up to??
Yehi shalom becheylech ve shalva bearmonortayich.
Posted by: Immanuel | June 08, 2007 at 09:32
Further two my prervious comments two quotations from Rav Kook, zicharon tzadikim livracha:
"If we were to be utterly destroyed and if the world were to be destroyed with us by the hatred that is without reason, we would return to be built up again, and the world would be built up again with us, by the undiscerning love that has no cause"
"The righteous and pure of heart
do not cry out against wickedness
They add justice
They do not cry ut against denial
They add faith
They do not cry out against ingnorance
They add wisdom"
Your site , by informing people of perspectives not often aired, is adding wisdom, and for that you are doing a great service to all
shabat shalom
Posted by: Immanuel | June 08, 2007 at 09:41
Thanks Immanuel.
I haven't seen the film.
Posted by: Steve | June 08, 2007 at 16:28
Well done Immanuel, some sense at last - and presumably the kind of response from the the Jewish community that the ANC MP was hoping for.
The Jewish community seems to overwhelmingly support Israel, often very uncritically. Challenging this - critiquing this - is not anti-Semitic - in the same way that we need to challenge the Muslim community not to allow their sympathy for Palestinians to venture into anti-Semitism.
Peace to you to, Achi.
Posted by: Walton | June 27, 2007 at 23:48