A letter to the Pretoria News by the chairman of the Pretoria Council of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies answers the ‘concerns’ of a letter writer who alleged that something sinister was taking place at the Pretoria cemetery last week.
The sinister event? It was nothing other than the commemoration of the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust.
I refer to the letter by “Concerned Resident” headlined “Jews refused us entry to cemetery” (Pretoria News, April 20). It appears to be a deliberate attempt to inflame passions and cast aspersions on the Jewish community. It is devoid of truth. On Sunday April 15 the annual Holocaust memorial service was held at the Jewish section of the Rebecca Street cemetery. Because of previous unfortunate experiences and the presence of seven foreign diplomats, a representative from the Department of Foreign Affairs and other dignitaries, two marshals were placed at the main entrance to informally screen all arrivals and assist those unfamiliar with the locality They were instructed to be polite and non confrontational. ‘Concerned Resident’ arrived behind the vehicle of one of the ambassadors who had stopped at the entrance to identify himself. When ‘Concerned Resident’ then stopped he enquired about the presence of the diplomat and was told that this gentleman was attending a private function. During the 90 minute memorial service people arrived to visit graves in other sections of the cemetery. While the marshals enquired about their intended destination, none was denied entry as this would have been contrary to our undertaking with the Tshwane Metro Council. Concerned Resident claims that he as a ‘black person’ was denied entry. But he then admits that he drove into the cemetery and went about his business. He further claims that he had only 10 minutes to perform his ritual. All this is not only illogical but also a blatant lie as the marshals made no attempt to interfere with the activities of any visitor. On finally leaving the cemetery this gentleman whose identity is known from his vehicle number plate slowed at the gate and shouted,”You lied to me. It’s a f***** Jewish function.” Before this, one of the marshals had been called a “bloody Jew” by another female visitor. It is this very bigotry that unfortunately necessitates some level of security. In answer to the question by “Concerned Resident” – “What were they really doing?” - let me inform him that contrary to any conspiracy theories that he appears to harbour, we were doing what we do every year - mourning the murder of 6 million innocent Jews by people with an equally negative agenda. Finally, I wish to take issue with the Pretoria News regarding the misleading and inflammatory head line given to the letter from “Concerned Resident”. It labels Jews as guilty of taking this apparent action without making any attempt to establish the truth. A newspaper of this stature should know better. Victor Gordon, Brooklyn Chairman Pretoria Council SA Jewish Board of Deputies |
Was this story in the Jewish Report? I am sure I read about the ceremony in Pretoria. But don’t remember all this.
Posted by: Mike | May 03, 2007 at 11:41