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« Confusion Over Hamas Visit | Main | Kasrils Turns the Kalashnikov Towards SA Jewry »

May 17, 2007



I presume it is you who commented on the post you linked and as I'm not registered to comment on blogger I'll address the following question here:

"Why must Palestinian nationalist aspirations be tied into Israel? Why can't it be with Jordan? After all Jordan represents much more of the original Palestine Mandate that Israel does."

Because basically the Arabs and their Arab League refuse to accept the existence of Israel. It is not a Palestinian State that they want, which they could have had many times over, but the disappearance of Israel. The Palestinians are the cannon fodder for the job.
If anyone was truly interested in the interests of the Palestinians they would have had self rule when Egypt and Jordan ruled Gaza and the West Bank.
If accomodations of refugees were permitted as happened when Pakistan was created out of India and Muslim and Hindu were swapped around they could have been accomodated by both Egypt and Jordan.
They would not have been kept in squalor all these years and countries like Lebanon would permit them to work and own property after all this time rather than force them to suffer in the camps to date.
When the Israelis after 1967 tried to build infrastructure and housing for those in Gaza the UN had its resolutions condemning Israel.
See UN General Assembly Resolution 31/15 of Nov. 23, 1976:
UNGA Resolution 34/52 of November 23, 1979
for some insight.

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