Sanctions Against Israel Coalition upset over Kasrils at conference
The Sanctions Against Israel Coalition (SAIC) has condemned the inclusion of the Minister of Intelligence, Ronnie Kasrils, as guest speaker at the Palestinian conference being hosted by the Friends of Al Aqsa at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology from 11-13 May. The SAIC’s objection to Kasrils’ presence was based on South Africa’s continuing ties with the state of Israel. “The SA government continues to allow weapons sales to Israel from SA. The state telecommunications network, Telkom, has recently approved of a multi-million dollar deal with Israeli company Alvarion to roll out broadband. South Africa also still allows illicit trade of diamonds from De Beers/Anglo American to artificially support the fascist state of Israel,” says SAIC co-ordinator, Shaheed Mahomed. He adds that the Intelligence Ministry “oversaw the kidnapping of Pakistani Khalid Rashid from South Africa and his deliverance into the arms of imperialist forces. The SA govt is not in solidarity with the people of Palestine, but with imperialism. Kasrils' invitation should be cancelled out of respect for the cause of the Palestinian people.” |
It appears that no matter how hard he tries, as long as he is constrained by the government of South Africa he will never be loved by the radicals he so courts. Images like the one below will continue to be just a Kasrils dream.
The SAIC are correct but for the wrong reasons. Kasrils is not good for the Palestinians. By demonising and delegitimising Israel all of the time, he causes those who seek the destruction of Israel as their ultimate goal, to persist with their ideological and terrorist war. This only increases the suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis.
The result will be is that to prove his 'burn Israel' bona fides, Kasrils will become even more hysterica, poisonous and venomous in his rhetoric against Israel.
I know it is difficult to imagine what venomous hate-speech Ronnie could still come up with, that he hasn't before, remember ronnie always has the ability to surprise-everytime you think he can't get lower or more vicious, he against takes your breath away.
In any rational country, he would be not in the government, but on the margins of political discourse, regarded as a fringe element, but South Africa has become an insane and evil country.
Posted by: Gary | May 13, 2007 at 20:41
I think he will use this to his advantage to paint himself in the middle ground "See, the radicals on both side oppose me. But those in the middle, like the MRN, support my endeavours."
Posted by: Steve | May 13, 2007 at 22:21