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« Yom HaShoah | Main | Smoking Socks Award »

April 15, 2007



This is not the first time Kasrils has put his anti-Israel venom onto the official website of the South African Ministry of Intelligence - a few years back he put on one of those disgusting Not In My Name pieces of poison, authored by himself and Max Ozinsky.



Do you have any info to back this claim up. I also seem to remember something about it but on the water and forestry website. I want to submit it as part of my complain.


Just take a look at some of the itmes here:


The reason why Kasrils was cleared was because he reffered to Israelis and not Jews as 'Nazis'.
It seems you can say what you like about Jews-providing they commit the diabolical crime of living in Israel.
Kasrils and his Not In My Name vipers are too blinded by their hate against Israel to see that someone who is prejudiced against Israel and Israelis is as much a bigot as someone who is prejudiced against Jews per se.
Not In My Name are every bit as racist as David Duke and Adolf Hitler-they deny the humanity of Israeli Jews.


Great find Gary. Thank you. Did you see at the bottom he even plugs his book? Its an utter disgrace.

Please if you can find any more information send it through. I seem to remember that he made statements at some official security conference that were counter to the government’s position. Does anyone recall?

Joel Pollak

The most dishonest thing about this whole affair is the way Kasrils twists the SAHRC judgment. Kasrils makes it seem that his critics believe any criticism of Israel is hate speech. Nowhere in the press statement on his website does he actually mention what the case is about: his comparison of Jews to Nazis.


Joel, its like you once said on your blog - people are ussually proud to be accused of anti-semitism as opposed to the being accused of racism. Merely being accused of racism is embarrassing, but being accused of anti-semitism is treated as something to be proud of. You of course said this much more eloquently.


'oh No!!!' the anti-Zionists will cry.'We only hate Jews who live in Israel. We only rejoice in the murder of "Zionist" children.Sure we are encouraging Iran to nuke Israel but that will only mean the death of two fifths of the world's Jews. That doesn't mean we are anti-Semitic!'


The most terrible thing about those espousing and propogating the "new" anti-Semitism, is that they pretend they are not anti-Semitic. At least neo-Nazis and Muslim extremists are honest about their hatred of Jews, calling it what it is; these so-called "liberals" who hide behind cover terms like anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism (even as their cover terms inadvertently and paradoxically reveal their anti-Semitism) cannot be honest about what they are, not to themselves and not to others.

This is what makes their Jew-hatred even more sinister than the naked unashamed anti-Semitism of the past, the former is often not recognised for what it is, even though it is so obvious (people in the main don't see the obvious truths that stare them in the face, hence the profundity of the Emperor's new clothes tale). They hide their bigotry behind the facade and cover language (lip talk) of liberalism, human rights, non-racism (gag gag), equality, love of peace etc. So this new anti-Semitism can spread its poisoned tentacles further, because it so insidious, unlike the open and self-avowed anti-Semitism of the far right and Muslim radicals. The latter groups do not bother hiding from themselves and the world the bigotry that defines them. No need for the stealth ruses of the new anti-Semites. Orwell's 1984 had nothing on this Doublethink and Newspeak of the "liberal" anti-Semites of today.

In other words, I think in most cases these people are not deliberately dishonest or consciously deceptive about their anti-Semitism. They really deceive themselves into thinking they are non-racist and even anti-racist. Their Jew-hatred runs so deep they are not even remotely aware of it. I have met people who believe the Protocols of Zion is genuine and even Holocaust Revisionists as well who insist they are not anti-Semites, and heck they have Noam Chomsky to back 'em up to, nothing anti-Semitic about Holocaust denial, after all Chomsky says so.

Almost supernatural indeed.


This says it all


by Steven Plaut

We have nothing against Jews as such. We just hate Zionism and Zionists. We think Israel does not have a right to exist. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such. Heavens to Mergatroyd. Marx Forbid. We are humanists. Progressives. Peace lovers.

Anti-Semitism is the hatred of Jews. Anti-Zionism is opposition to Zionism and Israeli policies. The two have nothing to do with one another. Venus and Mars. Night and day. Trust us.

Sure, we think the only country on the earth that must be annihilated is Israel. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

Sure, we think that the only children on earth whose being blown up is okay if it serves a good cause are Jewish children. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

Sure, we think that if Palestinians have legitimate grievances this entitles them to mass murder Jews. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such. Naturally, we think that the only people on earth who should never be allowed to exercise the right of self-defense are the Jews. Jews should only resolve the aggression against them through capitulation, never through self-defense. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We only denounce racist apartheid in the one country in the Middle East that is not a racist apartheid country. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We refuse to acknowledge the Jews as a people, and think they are only a religion. We do not have an answer to how people who do not practice the Jewish religion can still be regarded as Jews. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We think that all peoples have the right to self-determination, except Jews, and including even the make-pretend "Palestinian people". But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We hate it when people blame the victims, except of course when people blame the Jews for the jihads and terrorist campaigns against them. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We think the only country in the Middle East that is a fascist anti-democratic one is the one that has free elections. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We demand that the only country in the Middle East with free speech, free press or free courts be destroyed. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We oppose military aggression, except when it is directed at Israel. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We really understand suicide bombers who murder bus loads of Jewish children and we insist that their demands be met in full. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We do not think that Jews have any human rights that need to be respected, and especially not the right to ride a bus without being murdered. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

There are Jewish, leftist anti-Zionists and we consider this proof that anti-Zionists could not possibly be anti-Semitic; not even the ones who cheer when Jews are mass murdered. These are the only Jews we think need be acknowledged or respected. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.. We think the only conflict on earth that must be solved through dismembering one of the parties to that conflict is the one involving Israel. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We do not think murder proves how righteous and just the cause of the murderer is, except when it comes to murderers of Jews. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We do not think the Jews are entitled to their own state and must submit to being a minority in a Rwanda-style bi-national state, although no other state on earth, including the 22 Arab countries, should be similarly expected to be deprived of its sovereignty. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We think that Israels having a Jewish majority and a star on its flag makes it a racist apartheid state. We do not think any other country having an ethnic-religious majority or having crosses or crescents or Allah Akbar on its flag is racist or needs dismemberment. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We condemn the mistreatment of women in the only country of the Middle East in which they are not mistreated. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We condemn the mistreatment of minorities in the only country in the Middle East in which minorities are not brutally suppressed and mass murdered. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We demand equal citizen rights, which is why the only country in the Middle East in need of extermination is the only one in which such rights exist. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

We have no trouble with the fact that there is no freedom of religion in any Arab countries. But we are mad as hell at Israel for violating religious freedom, and never mind that we are never quite sure where or when it does so. But that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

So how can you possibly say we are anti-Semites? We are simply anti-Zionists. We seek peace and justice, thats all. And surely that does not mean we have anything against Jews as such.

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