Here's a great post from Joel Pollak over at Guide to the Perplexed about Arab League Apartheid.
Joel is fed up with the hijacking of human rights causes in the name of Israel demonisation. In response he has offered summaries that only remove the surface dust on the systematic discrimination and human rights abuses occuring in the Arab countries that often lead the chorus of anti-Israel rhetoric.
I am tired of it. So, in the service of fair and open debate, I offer a description of “apartheid” as it is actually practiced among the member and observer states of Israel’s neighbors in the Arab League. My information is largely drawn from the latest Freedom House survey and personal knowledge. The summaries below barely begin to tell the story of human rights abuse and discrimination in these countries. I do not want to demonize Arab countries, still less Arab people, who are the most direct victims of “apartheid” in their own countries. But I think that if Israel-haters are going to throw the label “apartheid” around, a severe reality check is in order. And I think that in future, students at any campus that is threatened with “Israel Apartheid Week” should organize an “Arab League Apartheid Week” in response. |
With South Africa celebrating Human Rights Day this Wednesday I urge you to read Joel’s post: Arab League Apartheid.