Karima Brown, political editor at the Business Day, reveals her naked biases in a column about John Dugard’s latest "Israel is ApartheidTM" report.
The column affirms (without any hint of challenge) Dugard’s findings with a headline that screams "Apartheid parallel reaffirmed in Palestinian report."
Brown sees ironies, but unfortunately the wrong ones.
It’s ironic that these findings come at a time when the US government — despite constant denials from Washington — seems determined to push ahead with plans to launch pre-emptive strikes against Iran, as Tehran refuses to bow to US pressure to abandon its nuclear ambitions. It serves as an eye-opener about the duplicitous politics that govern the global response to international conflict in general, and the Middle East in particular. |
Anne Bayefsky has identified the real ironies: Jews Seek Racial Domination (via Atlas Shrugs).
According to Dugard, Israel has no right to refuse to transfer funds to the Hamas government. Why? “Predictably, Israel justifies its action on security grounds, but the real reason seems to be a determination to effect a regime change.” A look at the Hamas Charter might help determine the wisdom of regime change: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it...There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad...” But according to this U.N. expert the problem is not a government dedicated to killing Jews, but the Jews themselves. |
More on apartheid...
Our recent entry on this item: Part Hate
Benjamin Pogrund: Israel is a democracy in which Arabs vote
Joel Pollak: 26 thoughts on Apartheid
IAS entry: Israel appoints Arab Muslim to Cabinet
IAS Book review: Seeking Mandela - revisited by Pollak here.
IAS entry: Dennis Ross on Apartheid
IAS entry: Status of Israeli Arabs
The Guardian: Do not treat Israel like Apartheid SA
I've secured right of reply to Brown in the Business Day.
My piece will run on Friday. It's 900 words, which is what they offered me. We'll see if it gets cut.
Still recovering from last night's marathon Middle East debate at Rocky Sullivan's.
Posted by: Joel Pollak | February 28, 2007 at 23:00
Great work Joel. Look forward to seeing it.
Posted by: Mike | March 01, 2007 at 11:58