Radical Islam’s war against the west plays out in your living room thanks to Wayne Kopping’s recent film ‘Obsession’. (Order the pre-release edition here for $19.95)
Obsession is a film that uses footage of radical Islamists revealing themselves for what they are in order to expose their evil agenda to the world. The film reveals footage of radical Islamic leaders all over the Arab world preaching hate, calling for genocide and calling for violence – footage that the mainstream media repeatedly ignores.
So vast is the gap between the film Obsession and the mainstream media’s obsession with the puff pieces that water down the threat posed by the radical Islamists that the film has not yet been able to find a distributor. Kopping suggests that perhaps America is not yet willing to face the reality of a hatred that can no longer be denied.
The film has been shown at college campuses around the USA and at various private theatres in South Africa and is creating a storm of attention.
Obsession has received great publicity in the US. Director Wayne Kopping has been interviewed by leading American talk show hosts and Obsession has been featured on CNN and Fox News.
Kopping was interviewed by American talk show host Rush Limbaugh (listen here: segment 1 and segment 2) and then Obsession was featured on Fox News and CNN Headline News where Glenn Beck interviewed Kopping about the film (view clip here). Following this Glenn Beck interviewed Kopping on his radio talk show (listen here). (Beck is amongst the top 5 most listened to talk-show hosts in the US).
Obsession hasn’t managed to match this publicity on our local shores mainly due to the absence of any real conservative leaning South African media outlets, but it has finally started to make some local inroads.
Last week the Saturday Star featured Obsession in a full page insert. The feature included a comprehensive interview with Kopping - you can download and read the entire article here: Download obsession article.pdf
Next week the Saturday Star will run a response to Obsession with an article from Moulana Ebrahim Bham who is South Africa’s leading Muslim theologian.
We will try get an interview with Kopping following Bham’s response so that he can reply to the inevitable charges of Islamophobia.
A clip from Obsession of a meeting that happened between Hitler and Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini where Hitler revealed his plan to eliminate the Jewish people to an approving al-Husseini. |
Update at 07/12
I should have also added that Obsession was recently the subject of a 60-Minute TV special on Fox News. Fox played key scenes from the film and then interviewed Director Wayne Kopping in their New York studio. The Fox special has screened at least 8 times, and has been seen all over the world including the US, the UK, Israel, Australia and Indonesia - to name but a few. The core message of Obsession, about radical Islam's war against the West, has therefore been seen by millions of people around the world.
An excerpt of the Fox Special is available from the Obsession website: Obsession - Fox News Special
Mufti: "Yes, I hate the Jews as well. Would you like some tea?"
Posted by: THE DICTATOR / EMBITTERED CORRESPONDENT | December 05, 2006 at 23:57
'Your Jews are my Jews'
Posted by: Frank | December 06, 2006 at 07:39
Dear Jane and Ferial,
You are invited to enter the "caption competition" for The Mufti
/Hitler photograph. It is on the Supernatural blog ( check out
"OBSESSION" editorial /comments)
I wish you both the best of luck with your entry and can assure you
that it will be judged impartially!
Posted by: THE DICTATOR / EMBITTERED CORRESPONDENT | December 06, 2006 at 09:43
Where anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism meet
Posted by: Mike | December 06, 2006 at 11:00
HITLER : "Did you say muffins and tea?"
Posted by: THE DICTATOR / EMBITTERED CORRESPONDENT | December 06, 2006 at 11:23
Sorry this is off the thread..please place it elsewhere if you feel it is appropriate.
I'd like to make three points to mull over on the day of stilness, on shabat, the stilness from which all doing and creation emenates.
1)I''d like to start a debate about the BaLemba, the black Jews of Venda. Why are we not talking to them and seeing how we can make them a part of our community. Imagine if the South African Jewish community could grow to include 50 - 100 thousand new members over the next ten years. Not only would it help ensure the viability of Africa's last remaining substantial Jewish community, it would also bring new blood (literally and figuratively) into SA Jewry, and be a more effective response to anti-Semitism than endless polemics. If we will it, we don't have to keep ourselves an irrelevant and vulnerable minority.
2)On another note, why do so many SA Jewish organisations give gifts to their staff at Christmas time. This simply reinforces a culture which is inimical, and sometimes, hostile, to us. It shows how we have been colonised by the dominant culture. I think if we gave gifts to staff on Rosh haShanah or Sukkot or Chanukah it would reinforce that there are multiple calendars, multiple perceptions of time, and spread knowledge of the Jewish calender and construction of time.
Finally, Re Minister Kasrils, he is a little like those apostate Jews in the middle ages, who the church then set to work lecturing to the Jews who had remained Jewish. In those enlightend times the Jews were forced, under threat of violence, to listen to these apostates "proving" that the so called new testament had supplanted the old. Kasrils, if he could, would no doubt like to pass legislation to herd the stiff necked Jews into lecture theatres at universities around the country, and forcibly ram his set of loyalties down their throats, as better and more enlightened than their set of loyalties.
Damm braces and bless relaxes Mr Kasrils...to ignore and minimise the insecurities of a people who 50 years ago emerged from the largest industrial genocide the world has yet seen, and to side with the people who today perpetuate and project the same kind of anhilatory racism as those who perpetuated the Shoah (Holocaust), is to cut off and kill a part of yourself. As Begin said of Chancellor Bruno Kreisky "he is a man who hates his own father and mother."
Shal-om shanti shanti and may all mind made polarities end speedily in our days
Posted by: Immanuel Suttner | December 06, 2006 at 12:06