The recent controversy surrounding the SA Jewish Report’s (SAJR) refusal to publish a loathsome article by Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils has finally hit the Israeli press. Yesterday the story was reported in the Hebrew daily Maariv, and today there is a lengthy report in the Jerusalem Post: South African Jewish weekly in eye of storm
One aspect of this story not yet covered is the Jewish community’s reaction to this saga. Whilst I would estimate that 90% of South African Jewry support Israel in some form the support for SAJR editor Geoff Sifrin over this matter is difficult to determine. The public support at least, has been limited.
Even many ardent Zionists argue that by angering Kasrils Sifrin has only given him more of a platform to spit his anti-Israel propaganda (and it is propaganda) and has therefore worsened the situation.
I disagree with this view. I think that by refusing to publish the article Sifrin has brought much needed attention to what Kasrils is actually saying. Sifrin has stood up high and proclaimed that it is not alright to compare us to the most evil force that has ever menaced the world.
Kasrils has accused the SAJR of bowing to pressure from the SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD), an allegation strongly denied by Sifrin. I find the allegation laughable. Members of the SAJBD such as High Court Judge Dennis Davis are at the forefront of sophisticated and intellectual Zionist self criticism. Davis’ recent column in the SAJR even criticised members of the community for slamming Ronnie Kasrils in letters to the media.
If anything I believe the SAJBD strongly opposed Sifrin’s decision.
I get the uneasy feeling that Sifrin has almost been hung out to dry. This issue has hit the print, television and radio press. To date I haven’t heard any notable members of the community come out in his defence even though it provides a perfect opportunity to publicly slam the hateful views of Kasrils.
The Jerusalem Post story touches on an uncomfortable subject in quoting from some ‘unnamed Jewish leaders’.
Despite his anti-Israel stance, it is thought that Kasrils has been providing protection from terrorist threats to South Africa's Jewish community, several Jewish leaders, who asked not to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter, told the Post. |
This statement reaches amazing depths of mendacity. It is the responsibility of the South African government to provide protection to all of their citizens from all possible threats. This is something that we should expect; it is not a service that we need to pay for. Furthermore, any terrorist threats that his intelligence office may protect us from are no doubt related to anti-Israel hatred. And Kasrils’ wild propaganda is fomenting this hatred. The Post went on to confirm this creepy relationship.
Kasrils, in an e-mail exchange with the Post, confirmed that he does use his office to protect South Africa's 80,000-strong Jewish community, but would not go into specifics. Asked if he thought his comments could inflame anti-Jewish sentiment, he replied in the negative. |
Does the Jewish community ‘owe’ Kasrils for this? Should we be paying additional taxes for this protection (like the Jizya of Shariah law)?
Contrast this with the position of a country like Sweden. The newly elected government has pledged to pay $424,000 of the Swedish Jewish community’s $707,000 security bill (almost 2/3). The British government is also looking into reducing the exorbitant security costs borne by Anglo Jewry.
The South African Jews need to stop behaving like Dhimmis. Tony Leon, the leader of DA (the official opposition), put it best in a speech to the SAJB Cape Council in December 2004 when he explained that ‘Neither the Jewish community nor any other need ask the government for favours. We are not here on sufferance. It is the government’s role and duty to live up to the obligations and ideals of the Constitution. That, I believe, is what the Board should demand—that, and nothing less.’
The South African Jewish community would do well to internalize this advice from one of its most integrated sons.
"Even many ardent Zionists argue that by angering Kasrils Sifrin has only given him more of a platform to spit his anti-Israel propaganda. "
He knows that the majority are too scared to speak out and is thus encouraged to further invective.
Hiding one's head only invites more insults because of the appearance of weakness, besides not getting the facts out into the open.
That's one lesson American Jews learned a long time ago, as opposed to the cringing of British Jews who savaged Israelis verbally for making their lot in Britain worse.
They, British and South African Jews, would have a better situation had they stood up for their rights as Tony Leon recommends.
In sharp contrast are the Jewish communities in Brazil who are not scared of insisting on their constitutional rights.
Posted by: Cynic | November 23, 2006 at 18:50