An Arab proposal on Sunday called for a peace conference between Israel, Arab parties, and the permanent members of the UN Security Council in order to reach a settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The international community will be pushing Israel to do business with Hamas even though Hamas still refuses to recognise Israel. Sometimes a point is best made by just listening to what Hamas says. On Sunday Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar reiterated the rejectionist Hamas position.
"Palestine is the property of all Muslims all over the world"
This from the organization elected by the majority of "Palestinians".
And we are supposed to submit to live under them in a 'secular unitary one-state solution' favoured by Virgina Tilley , Steven Friedman et al who oppose Israel's existance because they say they oppose states based on religion , but don't oppose Hamas or Iran et al.
Posted by: Gary | November 13, 2006 at 21:34
Gary well said. You should write that as a letter quoting Zahar to our papers. But pease don't use the inverted commas for Palestinians ;)
Posted by: Steve | November 14, 2006 at 09:22