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« Smoking Socks Award: The Red Ronnie Rage | Main | Campus Corner: Kasrils @ Wits »

October 05, 2006



How does your idea that Zapiro is supporting the ideology of the Ayatollahs fit with his positions on pretty much all issues that aren't directly related to the Middle East? (Not that I'd agree with his opinions on the Middle East, though)


Its for Mike to answer but his ideas are in opposition on every issue except when it comes to Islam and Israel.

He is against the death penalty (I think), he is probably against too much state control, he is pro same-sex marriage and pro free speech.

Its part of a weird agreement the left seems to have with the fascist Islamists (and the idea of using state power to support and force an ideology is fascist).

They will support them on all issues concerning Israel, the US, the war on terror and perceptions of Islamophobia and they will completely ignore all other issues that the left normally champions that are an anathema to Islamic Republics.


Its for Mike to answer but his ideas are in opposition on every issue except when it comes to Islam and Israel.

He is against the death penalty (I think), he is probably against too much state control, he is pro same-sex marriage and pro free speech.

Its part of a weird agreement the left seems to have with the fascist Islamists (and the idea of using state power to support and force an ideology is fascist).

They will support them on all issues concerning Israel, the US, the war on terror and perceptions of Islamophobia and they will completely ignore all other issues that the left normally champions that are an anathema to Islamic Republics.


Raphael, it is symptomatic of the Stalin/Hitler pact of our time: this marriage of convenience between the Far Left and radical Islam. On the surface, you right, this relationship seems absurd for radical Islam represents the antithesis of a progressive ideology. Islamists oppose the separation between church/mosque and state, abhor gays, oppress women, discriminate against non-Muslim minorities and relish in the use of the death penalty (particularly beheadings). So why would a self-respecting Leftist like Zapiro ever throw his lot in with these guys?

David Horowitz in his book Unholy Alliance (300 pages dedicated to this topic which I recommended you read) convincingly argues that the far Left’s hatred of the ‘capitalist’ West is at the heart of the answer. The Left has undergone an interesting mutation over the last century. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union they supported the violent overthrow of the capitalist system and its replacement with a socialist utopia. But after the horrors of the Soviet Union’s proletariat ‘paradise’ were exposed, many Leftists were forced to discard the second part of their agenda. Thus all that has remained is a nihilist ideology hell bent on the destruction of the West.

Modern Left-wing radicals do not concern themselves with the morality of the means only of the end result. Thus Leftists unquestioningly support ultra conservative Islamic extremist so long as their goal is the annihilation of the West. The Lefts romance with Cuba’s long time dictator Fidel Castro is another example of this phenomenon. The exponential rise of the cult of Chavez is perhaps the most recent illustration of Leftists blind support for anything or anyone anti-American.

While Zapiro regularly denounces President Bush for his use of phrases such as ‘axis of Evil’ for being child-like and simplistic, his world view is equally if not more one-dimensional. He sees America as the ‘great Satan’ and anyone who opposes it, no matter how abhorrent, as righteous.

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