The Johannesburg High Court yesterday dismissed the SABC’s application to have its “blacklisting” report removed from the Mail & Guardian website.
The commissioners of the report recommended its full publication but the SABC only agreed to publish a sanitized summary. The M&G however managed to get hold of the full report which can be downloaded from their website. (Again I note the irony).
Right click and select save target to download the full report from the M&G:
The report is extensive and covers the allegations of an SABC “blacklist” of reporters, analysts and commentators whose reports the SABC refused to use because of views that were inconsistent with those held by the South African ruling party – the ANC.
The report is a scathing attack on the SABC news team who elevated political positions above objective reporting.
As I focus on one particular freelance journalist who was placed on this alleged “Blacklist” it’s important to note that breeches of the SABC code of conduct were not limited to reporting on Israel and the Middle East. I am focusing on that one aspect of this report because it serves as proof that the SABC news team are, as I have always contested, overtly biased against Israel.
But the major problems with what went on at the SABC effect general South African issues and the bias against Israel is just a subset of this smoking indictment against the SABC news team.
Copied below is the section from the report dealing with award-winning Jewish freelance journalist Paula Slier. Slier is accused by SABC news MD Dr Snuki Zikalala of being impartial (pro Israel) and of "taking sides". These accusations were primarily made because Paula Slier is a "white, Jewish girl".
Slier’s reporting is anything but biased and the criticism of her from both Jewish and Muslim sections of the community is probably the best indication of the absurdity underpinning Zikalala’s censorship of her reporting.
She has on numerous occasions reported very critically on Israel. It seems that for Dr Snuki Zikalala, her mere recognition and acceptance of Israel as a sovereign state is an intolerable position of Zionist support.
So deep does the anti-Israel sentiment at the SABC go that the MD of news Dr Snuki Zikalala described the conflict in the Middle East as a "Jewish war". This is an unacceptable and open display of anti-Jewish prejudice which should not be tolerated in South Africa.
And just who is the SABC supposed to be broadcasting for? South Africa or the Palestinians? Where exactly do their loyalties lie? Zikalala said
"she once wrote an article justifying the separation of the Palestinians, which was very, very negative towards us." |
Paula Slier 5.3.7 Paula Slier is a freelance correspondent who, at one stage, was based in the Middle East. The SABC had a contract with her. She is a former award-winning SABC journalist. At the time of Yasser Arafat’s grave illness, she happened to be in Ramallah. There was uncertainty as to Mr. Arafat’s state of health. He was hospitalised in Paris where certain medical reports were being released but it was uncertain, at least for a while, whether he was alive or dead. Ms Slier had been filing reports from Ramallah concerning the state of Mr. Arafat’s health. The then head of news, Ms Philippa Green, received a direct instruction from Dr Zikalala not to use Paula Slier. So emphatic was this instruction that a not was placed on the system to the following effect: “URGENT NOTE: ALL DESKS 5.38. Zikalala elaborated about his giving an instruction not to use Paula Slier. It is important that his justification be quoted verbatim: “Paula Slier, I’ll give you an example. Paula Slier, why I said we should not use Paula Slier. What happened is that during the time of when Arafat passed away, when Arafat passed away Paula Slier used to work for us as a journalist and Paula Slier was much more biased towards what’s happening in Israel. It was a Jewish war and especially the Middle East. We knew exactly her bias because she once wrote an article justifying the separation of the Palestinians, which was very, very negative towards us. From the movement where I come from we support PLO. But she supported what’s happening in Israel. And then I said to them Paula Slier we cannot use her on the Middle East issue because we know where she stands. We need somebody who’s impartial. We do have a correspondent there, I said lets use the correspondent … that person is impartial, does not take sides. Paula Slier on the Middle East issue we can bring in all the tapes that she’s written, she takes sides. I’ve got that editorial responsibility to do that. That’s why I’m employed, to do checks and balance. I said no, you can’t you can’t undermine the Palestinian struggle, you can’t. for me it’s a principle issue.” 5.39. We leave aside the question of whether or not Ms Slier had taken sides in the manner suggested by Dr Zikalala. Even if she had, and we have no evidence to support this, the circumstances concerning Mr. Arafat’s state of health was not an issue which impacted upon Ms Slier’s opinions, if any, concerning the Middle East conflict. Most importantly, however, was that the instruction was motivated by a political position adopted by Dr Zikalala which has no place whatsoever in a public broadcaster. For Dr Zikalala, it was a question of support for the PLO which, from the perspective of his “movement” was a matter of principle. |
Coming soon (hopefully)…
Q&A with Paula Slier
I would overlook if SABC was a private entity. But as public broadcaster, this unforgivable sin in a society like ours. If M&G was a government mouthpiece, then I would be very deeply disturbed.
If I refuse exhortion (AKA TV Licence) fees to SABC, then they will bring down the law on me. I've been calling for SABC to be privatised long long ago.
I find it astounding how much effort to focus on tiny segment of the world population while ignoring real and pressing big picure issues. The world Jewry only accounts less than one quarter pertcentage of world population. One 1/4%. As the current figures go by. [1] [2] Astounding.
The future of Jewry is not looking good given the present demographic trends.
And if I wonder why one needs to focus the percived ills of tiny segement of world population is a reflection of one's own problem. Good old classic scapgoating and red herrings to divert issues. Look at Ronnie for classic example.
[1] reference
[2] refernece
Posted by: Vaz Lube | October 16, 2006 at 15:00
Sigh, I meant to say "only 1/4%" not "1 1/4%"!
Posted by: Vaz Lube | October 16, 2006 at 15:08
Ignoring all the many responses that could be made about this incident and Mr Zikalala's comments one can only identify how even more absurd this is when one looks at the experts that are used. Like the MRN's spokespeople or how about hosting discussions with S.Friedman or R.Kasrils.
Posted by: gersh | October 17, 2006 at 19:12
paula slier is gobsmackingly gorgeous.
Posted by: zak | October 31, 2006 at 12:22