South Africa’s Minister of Intelligence, Ronnie Kasrils, has been extremely busy these last few weeks. No, he has not been searching for the two Boeremag terrorists that are still at large or trying to crack the violent crime syndicates that threaten the security of all South Africans. Rather he has been wasting his time and taxpayers’ money engaging in a child like tantrum in the comments sections of South Africa’s leading newspapers over being criticised for saying that Israel behaves like the Nazis.
In my previous post on Kasrils’ response to previous criticism of his rogue political stance on Israel, I questioned how much lower Kasrils could go intellectually. But in his latest rant, Red Ronnie has managed to surpass my most pessimistic expectations. In logic reminiscent of the Soviet propaganda machine Pravda, Kasrils claims that Iran’s anti-Semitic president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been deliberately misquoted by the West as part of a calculated strategy to politically delegitimise him. Kasrils writes:
‘I would have thought that Helen Suzman would have been alert enough not to have uncritically swallow western interpretations of the Iranian President’s alleged use of the term Israel must be wiped off the map. This has been proven to be a deliberate mistranslation of a statement concerning a desired regime change which is very different meaning indeed.’ |
This absurd accusation, like most of what Kasrils says and writes about the Middle East, is not his own. It was lifted from an article by arch Israel hater Virginia Tilley, who in turn took it from a piece by Jonathan Steele in the Guardian (it all started with Juan Cole.)
The exact translation (from Farsi to English) of Ahmadinejad’s now notorious call to wipe Israel of the map is debatable. The New York Times in a detailed syntactical analysis found that ‘eliminate from the pages of History’ would perhaps have been a more accurate translation. An idea which I find infinitely more frightening. Ahmadinejad and his evil regime do not only wish to destroy the Jewish state of today but to wipe out any notion that it may ever have existed at all.
No matter how you translate it, it is clear that Ahmadinejad was not calling for a benign regime change in Israel as Kasrils claims. Does he honestly expect us to believe that the Islamic Republic is developing long range missiles and acquiring nuclear technology in order to gently encourage Israelis in their next election to vote for say Yossi Beilin’s Meretz rather than Bibi Netanyahu’s Likud? Ahmadinejad and his fellow Islamofascists do not have a preference for one or other political party in Israel, they wish for the complete overhaul of Israel’s nature as a Jewish and democratic state. They wish to ethnically cleanse Israel of its Jewish population by ‘sending them back to Europe’ and to install an Islamist totalitarian state from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. What will be the fate of the millions of Israelis who are descendents of Jews from Arab land, I do not know? Perhaps if they are lucky, they will be allowed to live as Dhimmis as their forefathers once did.
Kasrils deliberate attempt to sanitise Ahmadinejad’s incitement to genocide against the Jewish state makes him an accomplice in this crime. Kasrils signed this particular piece as the Minister of Intelligence Services. He makes no mention that he is writing in his personal capacity as he has previously done. It is interesting to note that South Africa was one of the few countries not to condemn Ahmadinejad’s original comment. Even after a direct request from the South African Jewish Board of deputies and the South African Zionist Federation, they failed to do so.
Are we to assume then that the South African government shares Kasrils’ outrageous position? If not, then Kasrils’ Islamofascist sympathies are a blight on our new democracy and the government should publicly distance themselves from him. But if this is our government’s official position then it is clear that like Antonescu's Romania during the Second World War, South Africa is an enemy of the Jewish people and the Free World.
Everytime you think that Kasrils cannot get any lower there he go's and astounds you
again. There is no evil this Jew-hater will not defend and nothing that is too vicious to spout in his camapign of hate against the Israeli people.
Posted by: Gary | October 30, 2006 at 14:03
Engaging in polemic battles about the Middle East seems to be Kasrils' day job - thing is, he is not very good at it.
It's worrying that such an oaf is in charge of our intelligence services and their covert operations.
Posted by: Shaun M | November 02, 2006 at 23:19