COSATU, South Africa’s largest trade union and member of the ruling tripartite alliance (together with the ANC and the South African Communist Party), has never made its aversion to the Jewish state a secret (IAS search: Cosatu). Since the Lebanon war, it has become a champion of an Apartheid-like-sanction’s campaign against Israel, seeking a blanket boycott of all Israeli goods and the severing of diplomatic relations. But the full extent of its anti-Israel hatred was unleashed in a recent article published in its flagship publication the ‘Shopsteward’.
I have decided to reprint the article below in its entirety.
Solidarity with Lebanon and Palestine COSATU has been in the forefront of solidarity action for the people of the Middle East Shopsteward Editorial Staff From 12th July to 16th August Israel according to its own reports made 7000 air raid bombing strikes on its neighbouring country Lebanon At the same time it was shelling Lebanon from the sea More than 1200 civilians were killed the majority of them children women and old people. As well as thousands of dwellings many of them large blocks of flats in all parts of Lebanon the Israelis destroyed airports bridges roads and all kinds of infrastructure which is to say the means of supporting human life The Lebanese people had no defence against this destruction which was done with weapons supplied and paid for by the United States of America. Only after two weeks did Israeli forces enter Lebanon on the ground At that point they met the heroic defensive fighters of Hezbollah and the Lebanese Communist Party. The Israelis were beaten back and eventually forced to accept a cease fire. None of the declared objectives of the Israelis were achieved. The Israeli colonialist aggressors were defeated in Lebanon. Palestine The Israeli colonialists are terrorists just as the South African apartheid regime was a terrorist regime. This particular round of terror began with the shelling from the sea of ordinary Palestinian people on the Gaza beach on June 9th 2006. COSATU’s stand • COSATU’s main mobilising demand is for the people of South Africa to boycott Israeli goods and services. COSATU President Willie Madisha declared ‘It is time for the global workers movement to stand firm and principled against hypocrisy and double standards. We cannot remain silent any longer. It is time to stand in word and in deed with the peoples of the Middle East and heed their call to support the struggle against occupation. There will be no peace in this region and in the world without justice Afghanistan and Iraq For details of further mass actions against imperialism and colonialism in the Middle East please contact COSATU s Deputy International Relations Secretary Mandia Rametsi. |
The irrational hatred, shoddy grammar and childish language speak for itself. This article is an embarrassment to COSATU. South African workers deserve far better.
If you had to choose one entity to rule the world, COSATU or the UN, who would it be?
Posted by: Derikboy | October 31, 2006 at 13:06
COSATU and the SACP are Stalinist organizations, their rule would be like the return of Stalin to power-like the way North Korea is ruled.
Posted by: Gary | October 31, 2006 at 15:26
Wow Derikboy that’s a tough call. I would probably choice the UN over COSATU.
Posted by: Mike | October 31, 2006 at 16:26
Agreed. I would have to go for the UN over COSATU. But eventually the there will be no difference between the UN will probably be a Sharia pushing Islamic Coalition Front.
Posted by: Steve | October 31, 2006 at 17:33
Derikboy, the answer is neither UN nor COSATU. No entity should be ruling the world whatsoever.
Gary is right on COSATU/SACP. I am waiting for both of them to be booted out of alliance and they must consent elections on their own. They are parasitically attaching themselves to the ruling party and poisoning them with their vile ideas. I could probably say that the most idiotic ideas coming out of government could be attributed from COSATU/SACP faction within.
Posted by: Vaz Lube | November 01, 2006 at 09:03
Derikboy I been thinking about your hypothetic dilemma some more. It’s actually not such a hard choice. I would take the tyranny of incompetent bureaucrats over a workers paradise any day.
Posted by: mike | November 01, 2006 at 10:54
Vaz , You are right that SACP/COSATU are an evil and vile bunch but they won't ever be booted out of the ANC alliance as it suits the ANC to have their votes and it suits SACP/COSATU to be part of the ruling alliance with cabinet seats etc.
What would REd Ronnie do if he didn't have his cabinet post to bully people with , and throw his weight around?
Posted by: Gary | November 01, 2006 at 12:13