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« MG Watch | Main | Good vs Evil »

July 23, 2006



Speaking of hate - this chap's coverage (saw it linked on LGF) of the current situation borders on anti-Semitism:

He and Zapiro are two peas in a pod - though luckily, he doesn't write for a mainstream newspaper.

Vaz Lube

Alan Dershowtiz is spot on on predictable condemners.

ZapTrash completly digust me.


Yeah Vaz, I just read that article. It's really good.

By hiding behind their own civilians the Islamic radicals issue a challenge to democracies: Either violate your own morality by coming after us and inevitably killing some innocent civilians, or maintain your morality and leave us with a free hand to target your innocent civilians. This challenge presents democracies such as Israel with a lose-lose option, and the terrorists with a win-win option.

T SHOULD BE obvious by now that Hizbullah and Hamas actually want the Israeli military to kill as many Lebanese and Palestinian civilians as possible. That is why they store their rockets underneath the beds of civilians; why they launch their missiles from crowded civilian neighborhoods and hide among civilians. They are seeking to induce Israel to defend its civilians by going after them among their civilian "shields." They know that every civilian they induce Israel to kill hurts Israel in the media and the international and human rights communities. They regard these human shields as shahids - martyrs - even if they did not volunteer for this lethal job. Under the law, criminals who use human shields are responsible for the deaths of the shields, even if the bullet that kills them came from the gun of a policeman.

Israel has every self-interest in minimizing civilian casualties, whereas the terrorists have every self-interest in maximizing them - on both sides. Israel should not be condemned for doing what every democracy would and should do: taking every reasonable military step to stop the terrorists from killing their innocent civilians.


I am speechless. Goebbels and Der Sterner would have been proud of ZAPIRO and his digusting propaganda.

Brett Chatz

This ongoing saga with Zapiro is begining to annoy me; he is of the same ilk as Kasrils; Slovo; and all other apologists whose sole aim is to disempower Israeli support and make disparaging remarks about the Jewish community. It is a sad state of affairs in all honesty. Zapiro is however entitled to his opinion, however much we disagree with him. Perhaps there should be a cartoon of a 'Skewer' piercing a fictional cartoonist entitled 'Zapped! Got him' - 'How's that for pinpoint accuracy?"


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