As we reported, Israel has finally been admitted into the International Red Cross after 57 years of footdragging.
I mentioned that South Africa last year voted against Israel’s inclusion. I wondered how we would vote this time around.
I can now confirm that South Africa VOTED AGAINST Israel’s inclusion. Yes that’s right; our wonderful democracy that pretends to want to help resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict yet again towed the Islamic line and voted with a minority of the world’s pariahs against Israel.
98 countries voted for the resolution, 27 against and 10 abstained. South Africa stood shamefully alongside most Arab and Muslim countries as well as the dictatorships of China, North Korea and Cuba.
Suadi Arabia, trumpeting its Arab peace plan which it claims embodies Arab acceptance of Israel’s right to exist also voted against.
Read this editorial at Jerusalem Post which explains that by voting against Israel’s inclusion South Africa effectively showed that they care more about eliminating Israel than creating a Palestinian state. (Of course, they don't really want to eliminate Israel, but that is the effective message being sent. See this comment for an explanation.)
A vote for the crystal was clearly to accept both societies, since Israel could not operate without a recognized symbol and "Palestine" would not be allowed in without Israel. Admitting the PCRS required a special decision, because ICRC rules stipulate that only societies representing a state can become members. [...] the vote was to accept Israel and Palestine together into an organization whose sole job is to save lives, and which is supposed to embody the ability of a neutral body to rise above national distinctions and conflicts for sake of all humanity. MDA, for example, does not check the politics of the victims stricken in Muslim countries by earthquakes or tidal waves before rushing in with its unfortunately battle-tested expertise. Is there no forum to which official Arab enmity against Israel - not a particular Israeli policy - does not extend? |
It is now clear that South Africa only pretends to stand behind a two state solution – what better embodiment of a two state solution could there be than to simultaneously vote in Israel and “Palestine”.
South Africa wants Israel to allow them to become a mediator in the conflict with the Arab world. Does South Africa honestly expect Israel to believe that they are capable of being neutral mediators when they constantly condemn Israel by voting with nations that reject Israel’s very existence?
South Africa is not neutral. South Africa is not impartial. And most shamefully, South Africa is certainly not independent.
The South African votes of shame:
On the IAEA vote to refer Iran to the UN Security Council on its nuclear programme (link) Try and spot the democracy. Twenty-seven out of the 35 countries on the board voted for the resolution. South Africa said it would have voted against but it knew that the resolution would be passed and therefore decided to abstain. The majority of the countries representing the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) refused to support Washington on the Iran issue. India, a founding member of NAM distanced itself from their voting pattern and voted for the resolution. |
Nations that requested the International Court of Justice to submit an advisory opinion on the legality of the wall (sic) being built by Israel. (link) Again, can you spot the democracy? Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Comoros, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and “Palestine”. |
Update 1:
Please that this entry may prove to be incorrect. The source article I used for this information from the Jerusalem Post indicated that South Africa voted against the resolution to admit Israel into the Red Cross but that article may have been incorrect.
Update 2: I am now convinced that this entry is suitable as far as the salient facts are concerned. South Africa did in fact vote against the draft resolution that effectively paved the way for the admission of Israel (via the incorporation of the Red Crescent symbol into the Federation) and of the Palestinian Red Cross Society into the International Red Cross Federation.
Absolutely sickening. Can you provide a list of regimes that voted aginst admitting Israel
Posted by: Gary | June 26, 2006 at 21:01
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the comprehensive list. Nations and medical institutions vote.
Jordan voted against but Jordan Red CRoss voted for.
Saudi Arabia and their red cross voted against.
Egypt, Qatar, and Morocco voted against.
Posted by: Steve | June 26, 2006 at 21:16
I am ashamed to be a South African today!
Posted by: Gary | June 26, 2006 at 21:29
I know also that Mali , Cuba , North Korea , Libya and China voted against
Posted by: Gary | June 26, 2006 at 21:31
Essentially the criminal regimes of the world voted against
Posted by: Gary | June 26, 2006 at 21:37
Yeah...I mentioned China NK and Cuba. And then pretty much all the Arab or Muslim nations. And us.
Posted by: Steve | June 26, 2006 at 21:37
Sa is part of an international criminal-rveolutionary-totalitarian club that includes North Korea , Red China , Vietnam , Myanmar , Iran , Syria , Libya , Sudan , Zimbabwe , SA , Namibia , Angola , Mozambiques , Tanzania , Equatorial Guinea , Tanzania , Venezuela and Cuba.
Posted by: Gary | June 26, 2006 at 22:25
I am also most upset by the vote. I do believe there response would be that they voted against both countries and thus offended less people than if they would have voted for both parties.
Personally, I don;t buy it. It was a positive opportunity to show the support for existence of both nations.
Posted by: gersh | June 26, 2006 at 22:57
Gersh, I think we need to ask them how admitting Israel to a humanitarian organisation is offensive to anyone? It’s totally symptomatic of cultural acquiescence. Every action is justified on the grounds of other countries cultural sensitivities. It’s ok to discriminate against Israel because the Arab/Islamic world just cant cope with Jews being treated equally. The ANC should know better. Racism can never be justified. It is the racist that must be forced to change, not us that must taint ourselves by accommodating his world view. Shame on South Africa.
Posted by: Mike | June 27, 2006 at 09:21
I should clarify what I meant when I said that SA effectively cares more about eliminating Israel than creating a Palestinian state.
South Africa don't want to see any country eliminated. But that is the message they ended up sending despite their real intentions which were of an anti-Westerm nature that pandered to, as Mike said, the cultural sensitivities of the Arab and Islamic world.
Posted by: Steve | June 27, 2006 at 10:10
We must remember that the vast majority of African States voted FOR Israel to be admitted to the Red Cross. SA was out of step with most of the world and even most of Africa , in the company , only of the Islamic world and a few Communist dictatorships.
Posted by: Gary | June 27, 2006 at 12:29
Gary, do you have a complete list? would like to see it.
Posted by: mike | June 27, 2006 at 12:56
No , I am still trying to find one
Posted by: Gary | June 27, 2006 at 13:02
Has anyone here phoned the S A Red Cross and asked for an opinion?
Posted by: Gill | June 27, 2006 at 13:17
I phoned them this morning. The person responsible for PR knew nothing about it. She is trying to contact the president who was at the meeting. Will post as soon as I have any further details.
Posted by: Mike | June 27, 2006 at 13:38
Well maybe Israel also should have voted against!
Maybe SA voted no because they think its outrageous that Israel accept second class status and accept the red crystal instead of the star of David.
Anyways, I have a theory around the emblem. they just want it to start CR. Cross, Crescent, Crystal-nacht.
Heh...just kidding.
South Africa has a very simple policy. Its not anti Israel in as much as its anti the West.
Posted by: Anti-UN | June 27, 2006 at 14:49
Several African countries have actually condemmned South Africa for it's anti-Israel bias: Ethiopia , Kenya , Uganda, Rwanda, Congo (DRC) , Cameroon , Ghana , Togo , Cote D 'Ivoire.
Posted by: Gary | June 27, 2006 at 15:17
Do you have links to these condemnations?
Posted by: Steve | June 27, 2006 at 15:51
Not really , it was in the Jewish Report a year ago.
Posted by: Gary | June 27, 2006 at 16:09
Sometimes news from South Africa make me feel bad about myself. What did I do for them? Nothing!
Posted by: freelance writing job | September 08, 2011 at 12:14