Gaza: Gunmen raze Morag Hothouses
Several greenhouses belonging to the former settlement of Morag in the Gaza Strip were destroyed over the weekend during an attempt by dozens of gunmen to take control of the area. The Palestinian Company for Economic Development, which is in charge of thousands of greenhouses that used to belong to Morag and other settlements in Gush Katif, said the attack, which took place on Friday, was the latest in a series that began almost immediately after the settlements were evacuated. The company revealed that hundreds of greenhouses and other agricultural installations have been sabotaged over the past few months, expressing its outrage over the recurring phenomenon. The company issued an urgent appeal to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Interior Minister Said Siam to intervene to halt the attacks on the lands belonging to the former settlements. “These greenhouses and other installations and projects provide a source of income for over 4,500 families,” company officials said. “We are very disturbed by the recurring attacks and thefts. Such actions jeopardize the largest agricultural project carried by the Palestinian Authority after the Israeli withdrawal.” |
Of course, its all due to the utter humiliation at being forced to rely on infrastructure laid by the colonialist Jews who dared to develop the land. And poverty. Humiliation and poverty caused them to destroy the hothouses.
On a similiar note, Palestinian gunmen raided a Gaza cellphone company in protest of their phones not working. They later opened fire, 'mortally wounding' 10 computers. Sounds awefully familiar to how South African security guards deal with their issues!
Unbelievable how terribly the Palestinians are dealing (or not dealing) with their internal affairs. Constant internal violence, murder and destruction of infostructure(as you wrote with the greenhouses) - and yet the international community insist of maintaining a constant stream of financial aid. As if you could call any of the Palestinian politicians 'leaders.' They can't even ensure that the money flowing in, reaches their people. Its a sad state especially for the average Palestinian! All they have to console themselves is that they had democratic elections, and so they have to live with their decision. Maybe next time a party that recognises Israel would be a better plan :)
Posted by: Nili Scham | May 16, 2006 at 23:05
The blindness of the international community to the Palestinian cause boggles the mind. I say a survey last year that said they get more aid per capita than any entity on earth. None of it was conditional on good governance or even non-violence like most other donee countries. What was also interesting is that their per capita GDP was hardly the worst in the world. Other African countries like Somalia, Sierra Leone etc were much poorer. Why are these countries losing out at the expense of the Palestinians and why are Africans not saying anything about it?
Posted by: Mike | May 17, 2006 at 15:10
It just goes to show the truth behind the Israel-Palestinian conflict - anti-semitism. Otherwise, why would the world fund them to such a great extend, mostly unconditionally?
And why would the international community want to fund African countries? They would get nothing from it. By supporting the Palestinians they can have good relations with the 'Oil-rich' Saudis. They help as long as they get something from it - no one-way streets!
Posted by: Nili Scham | May 17, 2006 at 21:48