Sometimes Israelis and Palestinians are forced into some form of cooperation.
Bird flu virus confirmed in Beka'ot
Initial tests conducted on dead chickens from the Gaza Strip indicated that the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu has spread to Gaza, the first outbreak of the disease in the Palestinian Authority territories, Israel's Agriculture Ministry said Wednesday. In addition, following concern Wednesday that the virus had spread to the Jordan Valley, the H5N1 strain was confirmed Thursday morning in Moshav Beka'ot. However, in Netaim, in central Israel, the virus was not yet confirmed. Israeli veterinarians met with their Palestinian counterparts yesterday to discuss how best to deal with the problem, said Na'amati, adding that every kibbutz and community with poultry in the Eshkol region was under constant inspection to ensure that the H5N1 strain did not continue spreading. |
Unfortunately, as Moral Fiber reports, a Kabbalist Rabbi in Jerusalem is claiming that the bird flu cases inside Israel are God's retribution for the Meretz Party's support of same sex marriage.
Basri is already being investigated by police for hate speech directed at Palestinians.
I think it’s an absolute disgrace and a reminder of the perils in becoming too obsessed with what our enemies are saying to the extent that we forget to look into our own mirrors.
In Israel hate speech, especially that which targets Arabs should have severe consequences. It can very easily indoctrinate young followers and lead to incidents of Jewish terrorism like what happened last year in the run-up to the Gaza disengagement.
I have always supported limitations to freedom of speech (when it becomes hate speech) and therefore I won't be upset if Basri finds himself sitting in jail.
Some of these hardliners are an absolute joke.
but, I do believe that everything in this world is sent from above. Including birdflu and, for that matter, birdflu in Gaza and Israel. Who knows what the purpose of the killer disease may be? I certainly can offer no answers. But, if it forces hamas to deal with Israel on this issue gping forward and thus forces Hamas to offer Israel some form of recognition, it might be a good thing.
Posted by: gersh | March 23, 2006 at 15:09
Yes, the existence of the Judeo-Christian god would imply that everything happens in accordance with its will.
...Which is one of the reasons I find the notion of the Judeo-Christian god inconsistent with Judeo-Christian teachings and thus an inconsistent hypothesis over all.
Posted by: James Clark | March 23, 2006 at 16:16
Well there's always the answer that although everything that happens is according to His will, its something that none of us can understand.
There are too many variables for humans to even try and postulate reasons causing some event.
But I do see your point. Its even more confusing on an individual level because there is freedom of choice. (Although that itself is confusing because its limited by both nature and nurture.)
So if someone commits a crime he does it because it was his will...or Gods will? If God doesnt will someone to be killed, does that restrict another persons free will if he tries to kill the first person?
Posted by: Steve | March 23, 2006 at 16:42
James, I am interested which Judeo-Christian teachings you refer to.
Posted by: mike | March 23, 2006 at 17:08