The haters at Cape Town radio station Voice of the Cape (Voc) have finally been forced to apologise for their anti-Jewish hate speech.
This comes after the Broadcasting and Complaints Committee ruled that remarks made on VoC amounted to Hate Speech. The ruling required VoC to broadcast a scripted apology once on its main news bulletin and at the beginning and end of the programme which contained the original hate comments.
Cape Town Muslim radio station, Voice of the Cape, has apologised for "a number of deeply offensive and hurtful attacks on Jews and the Jewish religion" during a broadcast. [...]Colby's speech suggested that white Europeans, Zionists and Americans were responsible for a number of human rights violations, including the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. "As far as Judaism is concerned, they believe that they are the chosen nation by God Almighty," he said. "They believe they have been created to enslave and subjugate humanity and take full control of all matters of life. "When they look at any other religion or sect, other than Judaism, they look at that sect as a means of enslavement, killing, slaughtering, murdering; any form, any means, as long as they reach their aim and their goal." Colby said the "protocol of the wise Zionist" involved asking what steps could be taken to take "total control of the world". "This is how they control the nation. This is how they control everything." Colby said the blood of Muslim people was halaal (permissible) for Jews. "We are seeing... that the blood of the Muslim is running through the streets and nobody is doing anything about it... " he said. |
Now let's wait for the traditional cry about their right to free speech.
Thanks to Elder of Ziyon for spotting this and to Soccer Dad for pointing him my way.
Read about the background to this affair, including a debate between IAS writer Mike and Abu Ghaib -a former member of the management structures at Voice of the Cape: Both Sides of the Coin
Abu Ghaib, if you reading this and want to reply, send your response over and I will again post it on the main page.