In their grim determination to incite hatred and create chaos the radical Islamists know no bounds. One of the most popular themes of this treachery is to fabricate lies about Israel attempting to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Last week Islam Online reported accusations made by the propaganda peddlers at the Supreme Islamic Association that Israel was building a synagogue beneath their beloved Al Aqsa, warning that the excavations jeopardised the Mosques structure.
"The synagogue has been built right beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque, some 90m from the Dome of the Rock," Raed Salah, the leader of the Islamic Movement inside the Green Line, told a press conference in the holy city, reported Al-Jazeera. He said the synagogue includes seven rooms tracing the Jewish history. "One of these rooms features Germany's Nazi rule and the World War II Holocaust." Salah said that works were in full swing to build another synagogue for women under the mosque. |
Their evidence for these psychodramatic fantasies included video footages and photos documenting the "continued Israeli excavations".
Media Backspin subsequently blogged about an article by UPI which categorically debunked the inciting Islamic slurs. Commenting on the "video footage and photographic evidence" that the Al Aqsa Mosque director presented UPI said...
The pictures and film the organizers provided did not prove works were under the mosque. They were pictures taken in the Western Wall Tunnels that run beside the half a kilometer long Western Wall. The tunnels are open to tourists…. The film showed an official placing a model of a temple at the site of the Dome of the Rock and said that indicated Israel's plans to replace the mosque with their temple. They showed a door open to allow a worker leave with a ladder and close immediately. Another picture showed people working behind a closed door, one of them holding wires. They took it as proof of digging behind. One picture was described as a tunnel leading into the mosque area. |
On my recent trip to Israel I went on the popular tunnel tour that the UPI article refers to. The picture below is of a model at the beginning of the tunnel tour. The model is used to provide context of where we would soon be walking. The model has many removable pieces such as the Golden Dome and the 2nd temple to show the changes that have taken place on the Temple Mount.
The Western wall is actually the entire western wall of the Temple Mount which you can see in the above model. The area where people can visit today is the area to the extreme right which is free from housing and development. The rest of the wall is hidden by Muslim housing in the Old City. In order to view the rest of the wall without disrupting the Muslim housing, tunnels were dug beneath the housing. The digging revealed the parts of the Western Wall which is below the ground as well as vast Roman archways and roads from almost 2000 years ago. The tunnels trace the path of the Western Wall which delves many metres beneath the ground.
The next photo shows a detailed model of the second temple built by King Herod in 516BC. This is the model that the Supreme Islamic Association used as evidence of plans to build the dreaded 3rd temple. How very pathetic.
The Palestinians deny that there ever was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and so they are compelled to fabricate myths about what is in these tunnels, tunnels which are open to all tourists.
Most people have no training in history and archaelogy = so they couldn't interpret the evidence anyway.
Posted by: drk | September 05, 2007 at 12:35