Many self proclaimed "liberals" have recently called on Israel to allow Hamas to run in the Palestinian Authority elections.
Israel are totally opposed to this idea. Even those on the far left like Yossi Beilin are against the idea. But external commentators professing "liberal" ideals have called on Israel not to meddle in the PA affairs.
The problem is that the Oslo accords explicitly prohibit the participation of terror gangs like Hamas in the elections.
The second Oslo agreement (Oslo II) between Israel and the Palestinian Authority prohibits the "nomination of any candidates, parties or coalitions" that "commit or advocate racism" or "pursue the implementation of their aims by unlawful or non-democratic means" (Annex II, Article II). |
This means that Hamas cannot participate in the elections.
Anyway, what really annoys me here is the hypocrisy of these "liberal" commentators. If they really were liberal then they would be against the inclusion of Hamas.
Here's an outline of what Hamas rule promises: No dancing and no gays if Hamas gets its way.
A VISION of an Islamic society that bans mixed dancing and sternly disapproves of homosexuality has been given by Mahmoud Zahar, the most senior leader of Hamas in Gaza. After controversies when a Hamas-led council halted a dance festival and Islamist gunmen stopped a rap band performing in Gaza, Dr Zahar defended the enforcement of a strict interpretation of Islam. “A man holds a woman by the hand and dances with her in front of everyone. Does that serve the national interest?” Dr Zahar said on the Arabic website Elaph. “If so, why have the phenomena of corruption and prostitution become pervasive in recent years?” |
He really does disagree with many liberal sentiments...
Dr Zahar condemned homosexual marriage, saying: “Are these the laws for which the Palestinian street is waiting? For us to give rights to homosexuals and to lesbians, a minority of perverts and the mentally and morally sick?” |