If you, like me, read the letters pages in South African newspapers you will no doubt agree that most South Africans haven't the slightest clue about the Israel-Palestine conflict.
So here's a new initiative I will start - "The Smirking Chimp Award" for the shtooopidest letter in SA papers each week. I'm going to share some of the more hilarious letters for you, showcasing one letter a week where the author totally embarrasses his or herself. I'll be nice though, and won't include the idiot letter writer's name.
So for the first winner of the Smirking Chimp award on It's Almost Supernatural, here is a writer to the Citizen newspaper from Doornfontein. The letter appeared in the Citizen last week.
THE whole world including the US accepts Jewish settlements in occupied Gaza and the West Bank are illegal notwithstanding justifications offered - land captured in war, biblical promises to Jews, and the most vacuous of all, the taking over of land without a people. The Palestinians have been in Palestine for three thousand years. The defiant then emotional pleading placards of settlers in Gaza forced to leave their ill gotten gains with handsome compensation for something which was never theirs in the first place must be akin to compensating a mugger by paying him to give up what he stole. There is nothing special about the sorry-for-myself outpouringings ofthe Gaza settlers. The statement by South African born Jew Michael Goldschmidt married to an Israeli woman on having to leave his illegal home "How could they do this to us" at least acknowledged the illegality of his commandeering of Palestinian land by drawing an analogy with the position of the farmers in Zimbabwe. Those farmers will understand given that their land grab of black Zimbabwean land has a history almost identical to what happened to Palestinian lands. Perhaps the Palestinians need a Robert Mugabe to help them recover their lands taken from them illegally and with the connivance of the West and especially the US. |
The citizen had a few close runners up, with many writers complaining that Israel has bulldozed the settler housing rather than giving the houses to the Palestinians. Give me a break, even the PA requested that Israel bulldoze the homes because they are not suited to the huge Palestinian families that live in Gaza. They need high rise flats to cope with their dense population. Fancy small houses will not do.
I've received some responses suggesting that I should find a better name for this weekly award. If you have any suggestions that mail them onto me.
by gum, that is possibly one of the doffest things I have read. Yes I think this new category is going to be a winner!
Posted by: Katherine | August 31, 2005 at 14:26
I especially like "... the connivance of the West and especially the US."
i can hear him/her spitting this rubbish.
Posted by: Jamie | September 01, 2005 at 14:49