The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) last week marched through the streets of Cape Town and handed to the South African government a memorandum brimming with misleading and misguided allegations about Israel. The MJC also attempted to hand a memorandum over to the SA Jewish Board, but the SAJBD rejected the memorandum.
Regardless of the hypersterical allegations contained in the memorandum it should be noted that the SAJBD does not formulate or implement Israeli government policies - they are not responsible in any way for Israeli government policies. The MJC knows this. Their intention is to sow hate filled division between the Jewish and Muslim populations in South Africa.
The MJC have accused Israel of systematically destroying and desecrating Muslim Holy sites. The SAJBD responds that this is simply not true.
"Since 1948 Israel has been at pains to maintain and honour Muslim holy sites. This commitment to respect Holy sites contrasts starkly with the conduct of the Jordanians - who governed the West Bank between 1948 and 1967 - and the Palestinians with regard to Jewish and Christian Holy sites.
To give just two examples: the Jordanians destroyed synagogues and millenia-old cemetries in Jerusalem, even using gravestones to build latrines, and, more recently, Palestinians destroyed the Tomb of Joseph in Nablus. These have absolutely no parallel on the Israeli side."
The minds at the MJC remain fertile with hallucinations that require all the illogic that issue forth from blind hatred. They allege that there is a Jewish belief that a Divine curse will befall the Jewsih nation if the Temple Mount Mosques are not destroyed and replaced with the Third Temple by the end of 2005.
The march took place on the 25th of May and it appears that it was not about tolerance and peaceful coexistance. This from Voice of the Cape:
Some 7,000 -10,000 people from across the Peninsula, including Muslim leadership from all over South Africa, representing a spectrum of mainly Muslim organisations took to the streets of Cape Town at noon today after a passionate call for the liberation of Al Aqsa, the third holiest mosque in Islam. The march, which started with motivational speeches at 11am concluded at 13h45 when a memorandum was handed over to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aziz Pahad. In handing over the memorandum, the president of the Muslim Judicial Council, Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels, commended Pahad from coming out of parliament and collecting the memorandum on the lead truck carrying the Muslim leadership from across the country. Among others the memorandum demanded suspends all ties with Israel, including closing down the embassy; imposing sanctions; suspending the sale of arms to that country; investigates Jewish organization who are supporting the Israeli occupation financially; prohibit all South African Jews from serving in the Israeli army as well as any mercenary activity by South Africans in Israel.
In accepting the memorandum, Pahad thanked the massive crowd and pledged to put it forward to government for discussion. "I have just returned from a visit to Palestine where I was part of a delegation from 55 countries. I want to assure you that your government heard you and is committed to ensuring that the Palestinian cause is successful," he told an appreciative crowd. Pahad also won praise by Gabriels who commended him for the work he was doing to promote the Palestinian cause, including speaking out in the Netherlands against Israel's Apartheid wall.
Voice of the Cape are not shy of hysterical propagandist reporting. Last month they gave a mouth peice to this sort of diatribe:
You go and visit Veshiva and you will see how the Israelis turned our Masjiet into a public toilet and at nighttime, at nighttime, you Israeli brothers use the Mosque for homosexual practices.
Everything is a flipping comspiracy theory with these okes. They are so obsessed with the Yids that they even went so far as calling themselves the Muslim JEWdicial Council!!
Posted by: Ryan | May 30, 2005 at 12:49
What good would they do to hand a memorandum to the SA Jewish Board?
Aziz Pahad's comments are a disgrace. Its fine to fight for the Palestinian cause but when you consder what the memo stated Pahad by accepting it has just embarresed his country.
"Pahad thanked the massive crowd and pledged to put it forward to government for discussion. "I have just returned from a visit to Palestine where I was part of a delegation from 55 countries. I want to assure you that your government heard you and is committed to ensuring that the Palestinian cause is successful"
Posted by: Khalla | May 30, 2005 at 19:28
So...South Africa became free of apartheid, only to turn and seek to impose arbitrary restrictions of their own on a whole race of people and a country, on the flimsiest of evidence but most egregious, because of it's appeal to the lowest common denominator...race hatred, this time against Israel and the Jews. How pathetic that this is what's become of South Africa under the leadership of Mandela. Bahhh!
Posted by: foreign devil | May 30, 2005 at 21:00
You mean...used to be under the leadership of Mandela. Thabo Mbkei is the leader of SA.
Don't make too much of this. S.Africa is actually one of the best places in the world for Jews of all types (secular, orthodox etc) to live. Very very few anti-Semitic incidents here and the govt supports the rights of all religious groups.
Aziz Pahad accepted the memorandum as a token gesture. Nothing more. Nothing will come of this. Don't read too much of ANC/SA policy into it. Pahad is too scared to shun the MJC and so he accepted the memorandum. The ANC will not fulfill any of the crazy demands in the memorandum. But they should condemn the MJC for trying to spark division in SA. Its not PC however to ever condemn the MJC and these moral ambivalences sit fine with the ANC.
ANC Youth League on the other hand is a different story altogether.
The MJC is trying to stir the proverbial pot and they should be condemned. Unfortunately the ANC does not have the balls to condemn them but that does not mean that they will impose the arbitrary restrictions you speak of.
Here is a better indication of SA foreign policy on Israel.
Posted by: Steve | May 30, 2005 at 23:12
On second thought...Pahad may not have known what was in the memorandum before he accepted it - although he may have - the SAJBD was informed of the memo's contents before they handed the memo over.
Posted by: Khalla | May 30, 2005 at 23:26
It's quite disturbing that they're essentially advocating what would amount to the start of the limitation of rights on Jews locally. Indeed, it's also hypocritical as I recall after the US invaded Afghanistan they were proudly showing off two local recruits to the Taliban army on SABC. I've heard nothing since though.
Thankfully the ANC itself won't listen. But it's pretty obvious that Voice of the Cape are trying to mix an insult with an accusation in the last bit. Gay citizens would be rightfully insulted by such a crass and bigoted attitude. Isn't that grounds for abuse against gay rights locally?
But I suppose it's not really addressed to us Jews. It's rather meant to rail and enrage Muslim listeners against the 'homosexual, defecating, Purim bloog eating Jew'. A portrayal of a dark and evil race to be opposed, much like the view the Apartheid state promoted of indigenious South Africans.
Posted by: Wayne | May 30, 2005 at 23:37
It's really amazing how certain groups can get away with slandering homosexuality. The Republicans are repeatedly bashed for their stance on gay marriage yet those same bashers turn a blind eye to the desperate situation of homosexuals in certain other parts of the world.
Posted by: Steve | May 31, 2005 at 09:12
Quite frankly I believe it is time for some un PC action from all involved. The Muslim is always howling how "his" rights are violated and desicrated but nothing is done when he does worse... I would have burned down all Muslim sites If I was in command when taking over Jerusalem... and that would have been quite in line with Biblical directive.
Posted by: Persona non Grata | June 29, 2005 at 14:42
What Biblical directive? Christian or Jewish. If Jewish, and assuming you are Jewish, may I say that I wouldnt have thought that there were many Jews at the university of the orange free state :)
Posted by: Steve | June 29, 2005 at 15:09