Here’s another hostile (in that unliberal sort of way) transcript from the hate mongerers at Voice of the Cape – dated 10/04/2005. It’s from a service at the St. Athens Mosque in Athlone.
The service was organized as a reaction to the recent prayer session that right wing Jews organized to take place on the temple Mount. I agree that the prayer session was unnecessarily provocative, but consider what these extremist Jews actually did…they prayed at the temple mount. Nothing else. Remember, although the temple Mount (Haram Al Sharif) is the third Holiest Islamic site, it is the Holiest Jewish site in the world. The Islamic reaction at the St Athens mosque was typically exaggerated and sensationalist – they named the evening “Masjiet Al Aqsa under attack”, deceiving all children and naïve followers into believing that Israel was actually attacking their beloved Haram Al Sharif.
Here are some excerpts from some of the speeches delivered that evening. It's an amazing thought exercise to actually consider if these guys really believe what they are saying, and the consequences thereof if they do.
PRESIDENT OF THE MUSLIM JUDICIAL COUNCIL – SHEIKH EBRAHIM GABRIEL The other question I want to ask – what is wrong with you? What don’t you stand up for those people who are oppressed. Are there in the world people more oppressed than the people of Palestine? But the United Nations – they find it very easy and very comfortable when it comes to the Palestinian issue – to keep quiet and silent, but when it comes to the issue of Rwanda, the issue of Darfur, the issue of Zimbabwe and all of them, then they want to make a noise, but the issue of Palestine, they are silent. Why? Because the people that want to destroy Masjiet Al Aqsa, they want to destroy Palestine, they are in control of most of these governments - the Zionists of the world. That’s why it is more comfortable for them to keep silent on the Palestinian issue. In Jerusalem, the stones talk – we don’t want conference anymore. They are saying to United Nations – they are saying to the Arab countries – we don’t want conference anymore. And I selected my words – the Arab government – because they are the problem, not the Muslims in these countries – the government, they are the problem. The Muslims in these parts of the world – they are ready to stand up. To move these governments that are supporting the Zionists and are supporting the Americans. |
Next Molena Igsaan Hendricks, the first Deputy President of the Muslim Judicial Council, peddles the propaganda by confirming that Masjiet Al Aqsa is under threat and that the Zionists are now fighting to destroy Masjiet Al Aqsa. As if the Palestinians would be able to stop Israel if she really wanted to destroy it.
He starts by speaking about the Jewish Board of Deputies informing them that their battle against the hate speech spewed out by the Muslim radio stations will end in defeat. He goes on…
On record, we place that we do not hate the Jews. On record, we place that Zionism is our enemy and will remain our enemy until the land is going to be liberated. Zionism is the biggest enemy, not only of the Palestinians, not only of the Muslims, Zionism is the biggest enemy of humanity in this century of time. We also want to tell the Broadcasting Co-operation and The Jewish Board of Deputies – you are going to lose this battle – if you win it here – in the court of the Almighty, you have lost it. |
The naked propaganda used to indoctrinate the masses into their cult of intolerance and hatred knows no boundaries.
My dearest brothers and friends, it is precisely why we want you to look at the screen this evening. Knowingly, that our time on radio is limited. The picture that you see here, the attacks on Masjiet Al Aqsa, since occupation, our clear question tonight is, “when you see this picture here, between the two people, an elderly lady having completed her prayers and this man here, that occupies, this man here that is part of an occupying force, an army force – I am asking you between the two people – who is a terrorist. This is a terrorist – standing with a sub-machine gun, an AK47, occupying Masjiet Al Aqsa. (In fact, the Islamic Council or Waqf has total administrative responsibility for the Masjiet Al Aqsa-Ed). Islam is not strange to human rights. Islam is here (HAVE) the Muslims ever turned a synagogue into a public toilet. The Israelis are the only people who have turned the mosque into a police station and, Dr Goldstein, if ever you have the opportunity to visit the Southern Negev desert, you go to the city known by us in Arabic, known by you in your Jewish language as Veshiva. You go and visit Veshiva and you will see how the Israelis turned our Masjiet into a public toilet and at nighttime, at nighttime, you Israeli brothers use the Mosque for homosexual practices. You show us where the Muslims ever turned the church and a synagogue into a discotheque. (Okay, during the day the obscure Masjiet in the Negev is used as a huge toilet, and then, at nighttime, when the wolves are howling in the Negev, we use the Masjiet for homosexual practices - got that? That is dastardly evil of the Israelis! Imagine what they do to the Al Aqsa Mosque!- Ed.)
I am asking all sensible intellectual people tonight – if the Muslims cry for a Mosque that has been turned into a public toilet – I am asking – is it hate speech? Is it hate speech?
We say that if the Zionists want to free the war of Armageddon through the four corners of the world, then you must attack Masjiet Al Aqsa. If you want to see the Armageddon war, through the four corners of the world, we always believe they have the wailing wall. They must begin to explain to us from where does the wailing wall come. They must tell us why they keep the Masjiet that is there. They must explain to us why they started the excavations beneath Masjiet Al Aqsa and when the Jewish archeologists proved to the State of Israel that there is no archeological trace of the temple of Solomon, they persist, they persist. |
The rest of the speech is cluttered with repetitive incitement to hatred. The powerful and absolutely absurd allegations are repeated and repeated for maximum propaganda effect. Some of the short staccato style paragraphs were repeated up to three times consecutively. Not one logical argument can be pulled from the speech. Why use logic when your people will so willingly believe the outrageous and unproven lies that they need in order to maintain their belief in their truth.
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