Mediabackspin questions the balance in two headlines from the BBC.
Jews held over Jerusalem 'bomb'
Man admits to grenade in luggage
The first story reports that two 'Jews' were suspected of planting fake bombs in Jerusalem in order to disrupt the disengagement plan. MediaBackspin suggest that the term sraelis would have done just fine to indicate the suspects were not Palestinians.
The second story speaks of a 'man', Hazil Rahaman, who flew to the UK intending to be a suicide bomber. His religion was not mentioned.
The bias in the headlines is nakedly obvious, but what really worries me is the lengths that the minority of fanatic opposers to disengagement may take in order to thwart the withdrawal. Reasonable opposition is fine, even valuable. Violence and incitement to violence is unacceptable.
This epitomises the risks that Sharon has taken in order to fight his way towards the path of peace. The lack of credit attributed to Sharon never ceases to amaze me.
Fears of violence have once again forced Israel to close the Temple Mount off to non-Jews. How often does the PA take such steps that discriminate against their own people in order to prevent violence?