15 members of the Fatah aligned Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades opened fire on Mahmoud Abbas' headquarters, but he still won't do anything to dismantle their terrorist organisation.
A group of Palestinian militants fired Wednesday at Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas' Ramallah headquarters while he was in the compound, but he was not injured, security officials said. Later, the group of 15 gunmen, who said they were members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades linked to the ruling Fatah movement, went on a shooting rampage throughout the city. They said they had acted after Palestinian security officials forced six of them out of the Ramallah headquarters. A Palestinian security official said the six were asked to either hand over their weapons or leave the compound after "they were involved in kidnappings, blackmailing, harming people, shooting them." An Al Aqsa spokesman denied the gunmen belonged to his group and called them "criminals who should be in jail." (AP/Washington Post)
In another incident Palestinians wounded three Israelis in a fire bomb/rock throwing attack near Modiin.
Three Israelis were lightly wounded Wednesday night after Palestinians threw a fire-bomb and stones at their vehicle along highway 443 between Jerusalem and Modi'in, Israel Radio reported.