The Israeli anti-terror barrier was called unlawful by the Internationcal Court of Justice before the trial even began. The sad mockery of justice condemned victims of horrific violence for trying to protect themselves using a non violent measure, knowing full well that the Israeli supreme court were about to rule on the route of the fence. As things turned out, the Supreme Court ruled that changes to the route of the barrier were necessary.
The Washingon Institute for Near East Policy has an excellent review of the new modifications to the route of the Israeli anti-terror barrier: Israel’s Newly Approved Security Fence Route: Geography and Demography.
The modifications, prompted by an Israeli supreme court decision last summer made to avert Palestinian hardship, are characterized by four major adjustments: (1) revised routing in several areas that will bring the fence closer to the Green Line (pre-1967 boundaries); (2) the elimination of all fence routes that create Palestinian enclaves or “double fences” (areas where Palestinians would have been completely encircled by the security fence); (3) the addition—for the first time on any official Israeli map—of fence around the Maale Adumim settlement bloc; and (4) final authorization of fence routing and construction near the Etzion bloc. |
Here are some brief details on the new route, although I recommend you read the full document. A precursor...while the cabinet decision explicitly states that the fence route is not a delineation of Israel’s final border, many observers will inevitably view the fence as providing clues to the contours of the West Bank’s final disposition.
How Much of the West Bank Is East of the Fence?
Approximately 5% of the West Bank will be on the Israeli side of the fence. Also approved (in principle only) however, are the routes surrounding the Ariel and Maale Adumim settlement blocs. Taken together, if the fence near both of these blocs is built, the grand total of the approved fence route encompasses only 8 percent of the West Bank.
The Palestinians will now struggle to lie about the mythical 50% annexation of WB territory.
That 8 percent can be compared to the estimated 5 percent that President Bill Clinton regarded as the outcome of final-status negotiations. By contrast, official Palestine Liberation Organization maps, until recently, claimed that Sharon would build fences to encircle the Palestinians from all sides, taking approximately 50 percent of the West Bank and creating “bantustans” that would sharply undermine the idea of a two-state solution. Last week’s cabinet move seems to nullify, once and for all, that possibility. |
How Many Israelis Are East of the Fence? How Many Palestinians Are West of the Fence?
74% of the Israeli WB settlers are on the "Israeli" side of the fence.
99.7% of the Palestinians in the WB will be on the "Palestinian" side of the fence.
Implications for the Palestinians
While the Palestinians will express concern about the fence “routes to be completed after further authorization and planning” in the Ariel and Maale Adumim blocs, they will be pleased about changes that should facilitate Palestinian freedom of movement, for example, moving the fence closer to the Green Line so that it incorporates more contiguous Palestinian land. |
The new map confirms what Israelis have been saying for some time now, that there will be NO Palestinian ENCLAVES (bantustans); rather contiguous West Bank territory.
There is no perfect solution, but having 99.7% of the Palestinians on the Eastern side, and about 75% of the Israeli settlers on the Western side seems like a pragmatic solution that concentrates on "needs" and not "wants". It seems like the route is moving closer and closer to the Clinton ideas proposed in 2000. The Palestinian claims that the fence would - encircle them creating bantustans similar to apartheid South Africa - have been squashed. The new route torpedoed all claims that the fence will prevent the materialisation of any two state solution.
this amended fence will serve not as a catalyst to impede a two-state solution, but rather to facilitate such an outcome. |
You can view a map of the new route here.
The hateful SA Palestinian propaganda group, the MRN, have a counterfactual map of the fence, depicting what looks to be an annexation of over 40% of West Bank territory. Given the close focus they have paid to the fence, I'm sure they will update the map with a more accurate version shortly.
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