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« Sharm AL Sheik cont... | Main | Salute! »

February 10, 2005



This manipulation involves french medias, french institution, french government.

See and you will notice that there is a whole omerta on this affair.

Then ask yourself about all what you have heard during the intifada, when you know that the medias keep on defending drastically this lie, even when it is now well known that it has been completely staged.
You must keep on mind that french public medias decided to keep on lying on the origin of the shoot on Mohammed Al Dura during years, while they knew it was staged, and while antisemitism was exploding worldwide.



I understand the importance of the image and why this new debate has come out.

But what we must never forget is that what we're actually debating is a dead child, the worst horror for any family.


100% correct Zab.

Its tough to debate these issues because of the reason you mention. As you acknowledge the image has been immensely powerful and has contributed to the incitement of hundreds of youngsters, further harming prospects of compromise, tolerance, and eventually peace.

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