MEMRI's TV Monitor Project has recently released a number of clips related to Yasser Arafat.
Here is an excerpt of one such clip. Speaking is the Palestinian ambassador in Iran.
"This man knew that this path is the path of martyrdom and Jihad. He knew that this great cause requires martyrs, not leaders, who look after their personal future and not the nation's future. He fought the Jihad and we saw him in many battles. Sometimes he was right and sometimes he erred. And whenever he erred, we would tell him: this is a mistake. And whenever he was right we would praise him. And now he is gone. If you ask me what will surely be the end of this Zionist entity, I will say to you that this entity will disappear one of these days. And its leaders, who can see what will be in the future, understand this. It's a matter of time."