Arutz Sheva have picked up on an outrageous news24 article about Arafat.
The South African news site News 24, in summing up Arafat’s career, refers to him as the founder of the Palestinian Students’ League in 1949. The site then relates he formed the Fatah guerilla movement in 1965 and became Palestinian Liberation Organization chairman in 1969 after Israel attacked his base in Jordan.
Under the title “Key Dates” in his life, News 24 omits any reference to Arafat’s terrorist activities. Instead, it mentions his address to the United Nations, his surviving an Israeli air strike on the PLO in Tunisia, the Oslo agreements and his winning of the Nobel Prize for Peace. The list concludes with the Israeli cabinet in 2002 declaring him an “enemy, his refusal to go into permanent exile and his recent airlift to France.
One would have expected the reason for Israel to have declared Arafat an "enemy" to be provided. After historic and painful negotiations at Camp David and Taba, where Israel offered their maximum concessions, concessions which exceeded what Abu Mazen, Abu Ala, and Mohammed Dahlan initially demanded, Arafat said no and instead started this premeditated war on Israel.