Chairman of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas, will do his best to ruin any chances of peace by sticking to the impossible demands set by Arafat, which if fulfilled, would signal the end of Israel and the creation of two Palestinian states.
Abbas: I won't give up demand for right of return of refugees
Abbas is the Fatah candidate for the Palestinian elections, which will effectively dress an enduring dictatorship with the robes of democracy. He is also a Holocaust denier.
The "right of return" would flood Israel with about 4 million descendants of the original 700 000 refugees, many of whom are dedicated to the destruction of Israel. The Arabs would then be the majority inside Israel, and with the vote, would use democracy to cripple Israel.
The Palestinian struggle is supposedly a nationalist cause - but it's not. Demanding a right of return sabotages any real Palestinian nationalism. If the goal was to build a strong, stable Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel, everything would be done to discourage these people from going to Israel. Why should a Palestinian state make a gift of these people, their money and talents to someone else? Knowing that Israel would reject such a right of return, demanding it ensures postponing the end of the occupation, violence, casualties etc.
If there is to be a just peace, both sides need to concentrate on their absolute "needs" instead of their perceived and subjective "rights".
Great article and helpful tips. It’s nice to see that people still take the time to teach others by offering free advice and information. That’s what keeps ‘em coming back!
Posted by: chiris | July 28, 2011 at 09:53