Another completely misleading headline from Nabil al-Mughrabi at al-Reuters: Israelis Kill 5 Palestinians.
The leading news agencies call terrorists by a variety of different names, but to al-Reuters, they are all just Palestinians.
Only those that actually bother to read the article behind the headline will learn that 5 terrorists were killed. Two of those killed were Hamas militants who breached the security fence along the Gaza border. As they moved in for another vicious attack on innocent civilians at a Kibbutz the Israeli troops spotted them and shot them dead.
Two other militants, this time from Islamic Jihad, were killed while trying to plant a bomb near a Jewish settlement in southern Gaza. The fifth militant was killed, and a soldier hurt, near another settlement, a military source said.
The headline conveys a negative recollection of what took place. It is tragic when any innocent Palestinians are killed. But what is not tragic or negative, is when bloodthirsty terrorists are prevented from perpetrating the vicious massacre of innocents.
Business Day have also slanted this story with the misleading headline:
Gaza killings continue as Sharon battles dissidents
The headline still conveys a despairing sense of negativity creating images of innocent Palestinians being slaughtered. Terrorists Militants were killed and this should have been mentioned.
Al-Reuters know this, otherwise how could you explain this headline: Israeli Soldiers Kill 2 Palestinian Gunmen in Gaza.